For those of you not paying attention to the little bastard (namely, all of you.) the Joker has, using the blood of the Steward he captured, synthesized and deployed a low-grade neurotoxin designed to "make the bastards laugh." in the streets between the Opera Abandoned and the Cathedral. It was supposed to work like his normal Joker Venom works on humans -- IE: making them laugh themselves to death -- but, apparently (*cough*at the mod's insistence because it'd be funnier*cough*) rather than laugh themselves to death, the Stewards which are affected by the gas will laugh themselves into becoming ugly, feral beasts ala them normally going underground without the added bonus of dying.
...I can already hear you go huh-what? Lemme explain some more, in number format.
1. The Joker released a special neurotoxin made up a captured Steward's blood in every street between the Opera Abandoned and the Cathedral. (Map available
here. It's the streets around/between numbers 22 and 24)
2. This neurotoxin, a form of his patented Joker Venom, is making the Stewards on the ground mutate down the ladder of command, in a form of speaking. They'll resemble a mix of the ugly, ugly, ugly footsolider-forms crossed with those of the normal Stewards, and while in ugly form they'll be more feral but also lack the intelligence and organization that the pasty bastards normally have.
3. The area affected/gases is only the size of three city blocks. After that, the effect of the venom wears out but (presumably) the cloud of green gas does not. Feel free to assume if you see it or not. Enjoy the Joker's way of saying "feck you for not paying attention to me, City"
*Mod Approved*