Your character may choose a residence from any of the established places open to residency. It is expected that all characters who are old enough and able to work will pay rent, but we do not require it to be a huge part of your gameplay. Consider rent to be an RP opportunity if you want, or simply come up with a plausible assumption to work with.
For characters under the Welfare System: Abuse
government aid and the Deities WILL take it away from individual citizens on a case by case basis!
Please note that while mod permission is not needed before claiming a non-12 Buildings apartment, if you are considering a place such as the Opera House or Cathedral, we ask you to either contact one of the current residents directly through IM or email or to put a post in
poly_tldr directed to all of the current residents. This will clear up any potential IC difficulties with your character taking up residence there.
12 Buildings
There are 12 specific high-rise apartment buildings that surround The Square. These are the largest apartment buildings in the City at 24 floors tall. Each building is numbered and holds an infinite number of rooms. The first 2 floors are dedicated to public spaces for utilities and entertainment like the laundry room (characters can still have W/D units in their apartment if they want) or pools (indoor or outdoor), etc. The top floor houses penthouses, some with wide open balconies, some without. Please be realistic about your character coming into the position of occupying one of the few penthouses. All 12 buildings have a publicly accessible roof. The City and its Deities do not believe in the unluckiness of the 13th floor, therefore there is a 13th floor and your character can move into an apartment on it. If they dare. You are free to choose whichever building you wish.
The layout: coincidence?
In the past we have had lists for players to use in order to keep track of what character lives in what building. Due to the size of the game and players who drop/repick but don't delete/re-add their characters to buildings, we will no longer maintain such lists and ask that players remember which apartment building their character lives in add it to their character's profile. Because the 12 buildings are fairly large it's possible for one character to not notice their worst enemy has moved into the same building until it's too late; use this to your playing advantage. We understand that numbering apartments is logical ICly however there is no efficient way to continuously update a list of apartment numbers for characters. We can only say that apartment numbers are fixed by this equation: B[#]-Apt[Floor #][sequence beginning with 1] Therefore B1-Apt212 is Building 1, Apartment 12, on the 2nd Floor. You may use this kind of sequencing if you wish but are just as welcome to handwave an apartment number for the sake of consistency.
If there is something you feel worth mentioning about a specific apartment please list it here. It can range from your character operating a business out of the apartment or characters knocking down the walls between their apartments to make one large single dwelling.
&a kingdom of sand
Building 7, Apartment 113. An endless but deserted kingdom of sand lies beyond its door.
We're now using player comments to organize Destinations so players can add, remove, and edit their locations as they see fit. Fill out this form and post it as a comment to the section you want once you've worked out the details of the destination or after you've received mod approval for a destination in question (only some locations require mod approval, if you have questions see
Zoning Laws). After that, head over to the
Map Entry if you wish to add it to the City Map!
&Your Location's Name [location illustration 1] [Then please write a brief description of the destination, like a travel guide~!]