Hi all! If you've noticed that there's a sudden worldwide shortage of exclamation points, I'm responsible. My bad, sorry guys! I'm Erie and I'll be your friendly neighborhood Bossun of Sket Dance not-fame! He's the club chief of the Sket Dan and he's here to pump... you up! Okay no. The goal of the Sket Dan is to help people have a happy, peaceful and fulfilling... city existence! You can pretty much ask them to do anything. Clean up the grounds. Make you over. Go on ultimate quests of ultimate destiny! He has a hard time saying no and making it stick so yes you have yourself an errand boy! But enough of that since he'll be making his services known later.
Anyway! What I'm really here to do is raise that ever so tricky issue of the fourth wall and may he break it? For those unfamiliar with Sket Dance, it's a comedy school life-based manga that takes full advantage of the fact that it runs in Weekly Shonen Jump and makes references and namedrops possibly every. single. series in Shonen Jump ever full on without having to refer to them as Scram Dunk or Breach in a way that I can only describe as shameless magazine promotion or the most in your face "Eat this, Genshiken!" ever. And so now we come to the point. This is definitely applicable to canons that run in Shonen Jump and other anime/manga canons. What is your stand on fourth wall breakage? Bossun will likely never come up to your character and go "LOL ur not a real live boy/girl/trap!" He's not that suicidal (unless you fully encourage me to let him run his mouth off). Let's discuss!
Also I'll make a similar post in Bossun's journal with a list of the yea/nays which will be forever open!
Um yes. Sorry for the surprise tl;dr!
ETA for EPIC NEW PLAYER FAIL: Okay so please to be adding him friend add sketdanchou over
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just click!