With all the srs bsns going on, I'd like to interest you in a fun citywide plot that will be player oriented and run. What do I mean by that? READ MORE.
Starting on August 31st and ending on August 31st, Sho Minaminoto will be starting a day of Reapers Game. What this means is those who sign up to be players will be given a goal to complete. Failure to complete this means erasure. Thankfully, the goal for the day will be fairly simple. He'll ask for the players to kill everything with a certain symbol on it. This symbol will be plastered on noise, animals that will be attacking the players. BUT. BUT. Sho's real goal of this game is to make sure
Joshua ends up dead so the final symbol will be on his back. The players will be given the option to take him down or...perhaps another
veteran player has more options. Be creative. There are plenty of ways to win.
Anyways, to avoid overflow, I can only take ten people.
1. Amelia
fistsofjustice2. Nia
unabandoned3. Shinobu
lovelyterrorist4. Youji
expandtozero5. Ritsuka
pixelatedmemory6. Kanda
to_sublimate7. Beat
growapair8. Rhyme
skullsjr9. Ness
psi_special10. Mikuru
skipthroughtime There are a few rules that players must follow. They are as follows.
1. The players are invisible to normal people. It's like you up and vanished in the morning. Players will also wake up at the fountain instead of at their bed.
2. Players cannot directly interfere with the regular populace. If you try to attack them, you'll just flow through them like a ghost. In the same vein, for the sake of preservation, property damage is also impossible.
3. There will be certain stores in the city that will cater to the players. When the player enters specially marked stores, they will become visible to everyone inside. From there, they can buy clothes, food, whatever the store sells and gain stat boost, etc from eating it. The moment the players walk out the door, they vanish again.
4. While I said players cannot directly interfere with the populace, they can indirectly. Players can read surface thoughts of the people around them. Also, if a normal person has a large amount of negative feelings, it will attract noise. If a player erases (kills) the noise gathering around a person, then their thoughts will clear up and they'll cheer up. A player can also insert memes into a person's mind to help them make a decision but that would be really tough to coordinate so we might skip that.
5. Along your path, you may encounter other reapers which Sho may have hired (I will be contacting these personally). These reapers will be blocking a path with a invisible wall. You can either complete the task the reaper wants to pass or there might be another way...(people have key pins or you could...defeat the reaper)
6. I have a normal character with no powers and I want to sign up as a player. What do I do?
A simple answer. The thing you enjoy most or something you're good at suddenly becomes a dangerous weapon. In the game, a character named Shiki only had her stuffed animal (Mr. Mew) which attacked for her. Beat, a skateboarder, used his skills to attack. Joshua tends to use his cellphone to summon objects to crash down on his targets. Use your imagination and let it flow free for this.
7. I have an overpowered character with tons of awesome attacks but I'm scared of blowing the other players off. What do I do?
First of all, you'll most likely get limited in abilities. Players obviously can't be invulnerable (though if the mun wants, plotarmor is perfectly fine) and godlike. Second of all if the next rule...
8. You have to have a partner. Even if you are the most powerful person in poly, a single noise will destroy you if you don't have a partner. So you might want to get with the other players and discuss who you want to partner up with before this. Plus, you're only as strong as your partner. If he/she dies, you die too. If anyone actually plans to have their character die in the game, discuss it with your partner first. And yes, for the record, killing Sho is an option to win. I don't mind if he bites the dust.
9. Finally, the last rule. Any damage you may take in a fight ends up getting healed after the fight is over. That is the nature of how the game works. Now your character may be fatigued or really tired but all damages are taken care of.
Keep these in mind if you end up being a player. For the record, players will have to operate under a Player Filter all day. Normal people will not be able to interact with them.
You didn't make the player list but still want to participate. Read further.
Non-players are still loaded with options in which you can participate in this plot.
1. During the day the plot takes place, if you post an entry, leave some surface thoughts in italics for the players to read. If it offers hints to what's ahead or is just rambling like "Man, I should have asked that girl out.", it's okay.
2. Feeling some negative feelings? Noise will start to gather around you and make those feelings even worse. Things such as a mild suspicion of someone else will turn into a full blown "I've gotta know now because you're a bitch." A player coming around to rid you of those pesky noise will relieve you of those nasty feelings.
3. Sho will be visible to normal people when he wants to be. If you spot a guy building junk piles, feel free to do so. The players of the game would really love to know where he is.
If you don't want to participate, you don't have to. To some, nothing will have changed and nothing will bother you. It's just a normal day, which is the beauty of this.
As a message to people who have psychic abilities, you will be able to sense the players in the city but obviously can't see them. The trick here is that their minds can't be read. Players are invulnerable to psychic probes and will just be a blank slate. The same goes for reapers.
Anyways, sign up and have fun! Mod approved, of course.
ALSO, If you're a store or restaurant owner of anykind, please speak to me if you want your store to sell clothes, food, or items to the players. I'll throw you on the list for my next post.