(no subject)

Mar 05, 2007 22:32


And now, for your reviewing pleasure ~ ♥

I. RP Basics

  • Character application : continues as insofar, one week yay, one week nay.
  • Hiatus : while posting to poly_extra to announce other players is bundles of love and shine and goo, please try to remember to also make a note of your leave here. If we lose track of who is gone for how long, this is why - and this is also why you might accidentally find your characters on the inactive list.
  • Activity Requisite : post at least once a month, please.

    II. All your chars are belong to the City

    …so please tune their powers and abilities down. It does not matter that your character was X, Y, Z, with the rank of A and especial abilities of alphabetical-exhaustion dimensions. Once they’re in the City, they will be significantly less powerful. Where possible, use more of their personality/brain, less of their brawn.

    Blowing things up and magical vibes are only fun the first 10000000001 times. You can use them to your heart’s content, but expect the City Gods to sometimes demand their due.

    On that subject :

    Mary Sues - DO NOT WANT.

    If you are unfamiliar with what a Mary Sue, check here or google it into oblivion. Make it go awaaaaaay.

    Similarly, blatant OOCness, insofar as in-game development has not validated certain types of action, is discouraged. However, the mods? Do not know all your series, and most definitely do not know all the toys in the love-love-zura Poly-playground.

    If you have a problem with how a character is being played in terms of OOCness, please first try to address the issue with the player. If the problem persists, and for reasons unknown to man [ actually, there is an instance : you have a character from the same canon ] you still feel very strongly about this, bring it up with the mods.

    The mods will have a look, possibly raise an eyebrow, and hopefully put things right. The exact results you want are never guaranteed in this issue, because we have to consider both a character’s canon and in-game background.

    III. Ooooooh, what does this Mod button doooo?

    Player stalking.

    If you feel you are being harassed through e-mail, messenger or OOC notes by one of polychromatic’s members, please refer to one of the mods. This is one of the issues we take most seriously. Be prepared, however, for the eventuality of our conducting ZOMG ultra speshul investigations to this respect, since the Warning Button is not something mods employ without proof-checking a story for potential bias.

    But really, get it right: RP? Is not serious business. It should never have to come to your insisting on RP matters to such a degree that you’re making your interlocutor truly uncomfortable.


    …worst thing evah. Worst thing to define too, particularly in a multifandom RP. The best known Godmodding instances / situations to please avoid:

    - determining what someone else’s character does / how they react without player consent;
    - trying to make out your character as more powerful than sin which pwns us universally - similarly, trying to make out your character as more powerful than someone else’s, insofar as no player understanding has been reached;
    - employing abilities beyond your character’s reach or means of acquiring without any sort of character development;
    - having your character know things about character C without said information being in any non-filtered post made by C, and without getting the player’s consent. Whether through mind-reading, computer hacking skillz or a what’s-its-name device that lets you get all the information in the world -if it’s obtained through OOC means and without C-mun’s approval, that info is BAD BAD BAD, no cookie.

    Especially in logs or when handling events that involve several players and a given amount of time: try to talk things out with all the participants.

    Taking IC things OOCly / taking OOC things ICly
    …promoted from overworked, underpaid clause of ‘godmodding’ after years of loyal, if distinctly shady service.

    The rule is very, very, very, very, very simple:

    IC =/= OOC

    As a player, you are not responsible for the morality of your character’s actions. You are not responsible for their opinions, and insofar as they do not violate general RP courtesy, you are not responsible for their in-game actions.

    You are not your character.
    By that matter, neither is every other RPer in polychromatic. Do not take offence to what someone else’s character said or did to yours and understand that, unless explicitly otherwise stated, you should go on the premise that what most of us end up posting? Is not how we feel on a particular issue.

    Oh mine eyes!

    Please understand that some players are forced by their sheer and utter addiction to reconcile their Ahr-Pee needs with gruesomely formal RL circumstances. Therefore…

    Exercise discretion with the un-lj-cut rating of your post’s material.

    We shall most certainly not give you a list and number of appearances of especial smut words whose presence signals a particular rating. We shall not tell you how much skin percentage you can or cannot have in full view in one of your posted pictures.

    What we will say and ask of you is that if you think a post deserves an R or above rating, or just isn’t worksafe for whatever reasons, lj-cut it.

    If you lack the zomg l33t skillz to do so, have at it:

    <*lj-cut text=YOUR LABEL NAME HERE*>
    Naughty-naughty-naughty material

    Remove *s.

    Note : this is applicable not just to sexual content, but also to excessive blood, gore, etc.

    Try to give credit where credit is due through either linkage or some manner of disclaimer whenever you’re using artwork or writing that isn’t yours. We will not hunt you down with forks if you don’t; we’ll probably not even be able to tell the difference. But there’s this thing called courtesy, nasty bugger…


    Mod involvement should be a last resort in terms of intermediation, and a foremost one in the above-mentioned cases.

    By that matter, where possible, try not to form cliques. This isn’t a modly decree: you can do whatever you want with your characters. But personal experience makes me say you’re missing out on all the R-rated material fun if you isolate your character to its fandom’s exclusive access.

    Lastly: ninja-mod here. Something of a dying species. No deity character to look forward to.

    Nonetheless, please feel free to contact me at :

  • AIM : ruxihehe
  • Yahoo!Messenger : ruxi_hehe
  • MSN : cruor_sanctis@hotmail.com
  • e-mail: ruxi_hehe@yahoo.com

    …the ‘hehe’ stands for ‘pushover’. I bite very often, but I promise you will like it ~ ♥ ~ ? ^__^ v !

    Procrastinating by moonlight.
    Kicked around by daylight,
    There til 4 am at night,
    It is the one Theme-song!Ninja-mod!
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