As mentioned on
the Calendar…
11-18; Mirror City Mayhem
Well someone left the cake out in the rain, and the deities don't know if they can take it. Shh, that's their secret though.
Meanwhile, some of those insects citizens wake up to their regular City day as usual. Or is it? Everything about the landscape looks like same, from the sky to the sea but there's something just slightly off. Welcome to the Mirror City, where your citizen is the opposite of who he or she really is. The difference can be as great or subtle as you want to make it, because there are only 14 ways to get out.
The Seven Virtues and the Seven Contrary Virtues One act of these 14 virtues (however you as a player would like to interpret it) will get a citizen out of the Mirror City. But there's a catch! Citizens must manage to carry out that act, whether willingly or manipulated, by midnight. That's 00:00 (in game time only, this doesn't have to be in real time at all). That leaves citizens only 7 chances to get out.
Now how might a citizen even know they're trapped in a completely different City? Why, the network and the fountain of course! Citizens trapped in the alternate dimension that is the Mirror City can still communicate with the City through the network. They might not even notice the change until someone who is in the City points out they're in the same room, but don't see each other. Eerie queerie. The fountain can also offer snippets of images both ways (City images for the Mirror City fountain, Mirror City images for the City fountain).
Surely City citizens who learn something is wrong will want to help their friends in the Mirror City. Fear not, the deities will have some kind of explanation, and they'll have a solution to offer: a ticket to the Mirror City for a trade. But don't ask them how this is happening or why, and even if a citizen does, deities rarely give straight answers.
[More details to come later! And yes, due to the nature of the event, participation is optional, and those who do participate may have their characters enter the Mirror City on any day between May 11 and May 18. They can also exit the Mirror City on any day between May 11 and May 18. How soon or how late is completely up to the player!]
The event will start this May 11. Yes it will be triggered by poor deity management of all the cakes they received for the May 8 cake curse! Ferocia may be behind this, or maybe Ferocia isn't. That's a deity secret. Regardless this event is their plan to rectify the situation. Where is the Mirror City you might ask? That's a deity secret too, but it certainly exists within the universe of the City as a whole. Citizens just can't see it. As for the rest of those details…!
Event Environment
♦ the Mirror City is 100% identical to the City, so all geographic locations are basically cloned, if it's in the City then it's in the Mirror City
♦ the Mirror City is not exactly a physical place; it's an alternate dimension
Event Mechanics
♦ characters unknowingly transported to the Mirror City (they would wake up in the Mirror City) must be affected by an opposite/reversal element, it can be very basic: if they're regularly mean then they would be quite kind in the Mirror City, or very subtle: they act as they normally would except for one detail such as they now drink the blood of vegetarians rather than virgins
♦ characters who want to voluntarily enter the Mirror City must trade a power or one of their senses with the deities in order to gain access (this will be announced in a deity post on May 12), they would then be struck with a sense of
vertigo and remain where they are geographically, only the City will change into the Mirror City (this environmental change is almost unnoticeable)
♦ characters who voluntarily enter the Mirror City will not be affected by an opposite/reversal element
♦ the only way for an affected character to leave the Mirror City is to commit an act of
The Seven Virtues and the Seven Contrary Virtues, and the magnitude of that act is flexible (
see here)
♦ that act of
The Seven Virtues and the Seven Contrary Virtues must be committed at 00:00 (midnight) of any day between May 11 and May 18 (this is in game time only, not necessarily real time, and backlogs are always welcome!)
♦ that act of
The Seven Virtues and the Seven Contrary Virtues does not have to be committed by characters attempting to leave, for example: two normally kind characters can be affected with extreme hate and kill each other by 00:00 (midnight), unknowingly transporting them back to the City
♦ the only way for an unaffected character to leave the Mirror City is to help an affected character, those who don't help the affected or fail to help will be made to believe they're stuck in the Mirror City forever
♦ no one will be stuck in the Mirror City forever, this is only a deity trick to make characters run circles and panic for the lulz, any character left in the Mirror City by May 18 will be struck with a sense of
vertigo at 00:00 (midnight) of May 19 and remain where they are geographically, only the Mirror City will change into the City (this environmental change is almost unnoticeable)
♦ affected characters and their assistants who succeed at 00:00 (midnight) will be struck with a sense of
vertigo and remain where they are geographically, only the Mirror City will change into the City (this environmental change is almost unnoticeable)
♦ all characters are returned to normal (no longer affected, have their power/sense back) once they're transported back to the City
Event Mechanics Examples
more ways to be affected:
- Someone known to kick puppies on occasion is suddenly an animal activist
- A tea totaler becomes a drunk
- A prude becomes a slut
- Outspoken to shy and quiet
- Favorite color from white to black
- Performer getting stage fright
*affected elements can be lulz or serious, this is completely flexible
sample acts featuring your deities:
Chastity | Sabine thinks sex is rather disgusting. Procreating through seeds and pollination is much prettier. So she doesn't do it.
Lust | Virginia, however, would rather like nothing more than to watch sexy cabana boys in jeweled thongs clean her pool.
Temperance | Maemi never gets more than he needs to live off/feed on/use.
Gluttony | Lenny finds some tea in the back cupboard. She drinks all of it.
Charity | Sabine gets hold of some new cake. She shares with the other deities.
Greed | Mouse hoards all of the neat electronics she can find.
Diligence | When Laszlo does it, he does it until he finishes. Anal retentive much?
Sloth | Someone asks to speak with a deity, Maemi really can't be bothered.
Kindness | This same person gets Sabine's loving attention.
Wrath | Hell hath no fury like Virginia without her cosmos.
Patience | Mouse worked this hard fixing that entire network for you.
Envy | Lenny is sitting in a cafe watching some brat drink tea. Where is Lenny's?
Humility | Laszlo admits. He has no baking skillz.
Pride | Maemi knows he's better than you.
*remember that acts can be executed individually, with an unaffected character, or with another affected character (characters don't have to be consciously aware that they're performing an act that will get them out of the Mirror City)
*acts can be lulz or serious, this is completely flexible
Event Communication
♦ characters in the City and Mirror City can communicate with each other through the network, this is one of the ways for other characters to notice their friends are missing from the City
♦ characters can also notice other characters through the Fountain in the Square, this works both ways for the City and the Mirror City
Event OOC Info
♦ "at 00:00 (midnight)" is only a rough estimate, an act can begin minutes before and end minutes after midnight, the deities will emphasize midnight (again this is in game time and not real time, so don't worry too much about timing being 100% accurate!)
♦ any deaths resulting from the Mirror City are exempt from the City!Death clause, basically they will not be considered City!Dead (no heartbeat, etc.) when they return to the City, however if they die in the Mirror City and it's not plotted as an act of
The Seven Virtues and the Seven Contrary Virtues then they will remain the equivalent of City!Dead in the Mirror City until they succeed with an act, or until May 19
♦ for players posting character entries from the Mirror City, please tag or label the entry in some way with "Mirror City Post" for ease of reference on the Flist
♦ trades with the deities for voluntary entry into the Mirror City are to be assumed/mocklogged after May 12 for ease of play, we trust players to trade reasonable powers or senses
♦ this event is of course optional and nothing from the Mirror City will physically affect the environment of the City
♦ there will be no curses for either City or Mirror City during May 11 to May 18, those who have been asking for a stretch of non-curse days can use this period to plot whatever they would like (within reason!) if they are not participating in the Mirror City event
If there are any questions about this plot please ask them here! This entry will be listed under the Calendar as well. Thanks again and we hope this event is of some use to everyone, whether it's to participate or just to relax on a 7-day no curse stretch!
And if you haven't done it yet, please
vote here concerning poly's system for handling OOC and other player concerns!