Feb 27, 2009 00:07

Those who have their names on the taken character list/spreadsheet as starting with A through K, post here.

If you aren't sure which post you belong in, check here.

Hey guys, one of your mods here to present unto you the first one of the new 2009 year, the one, the only, the ever so popular and ever so dreaded;

How's My Driving?

Those who have been around our game for a while may know it, and have partcipated in the past- thanks for stickin' round. For those new here, welcome, welcome to the HMD, and don't worry, we make a practice of utilizing lubrication.

HMD is the gamewide chance for feedback on playing here in polychromatic. Praise, it's all well and good, (and hell, we all love it!) but we all should know, constructive crit is best. If you want to give praise, hey, go for it- but why not though in specifics, like that you love how they handle character A's loyalty to B, or how they adjusted in the City, as opposed to just saying <3!!!!! What we encourage here is asking questions if you can't quite find the right words for constructive criticism or are confused about something. It gives you the chance to maybe understand something, (and maybe you think it makes sense after all now), and the player a chance to explain.

"How did Gary get from Point A in canon to Point B in Poly, it didn't quite make sense to me?"

"What started this whole fascination of Sue's with the bananas?"

A while back we had a vote, and because of this vote, anon is not allowed here on the main HMD post. However, we highly encourage posting a link to your personal crit threads, if allowing anon is something you want to do/are comfortable with. As a note, we the moderators cannot really police those crit threads, as obviously, not only are they anon, but they are on your own journals- but we entreat members of this game to be polite and corteous, logged in or not. IP logging is on here, in the main post, so let's all keep ourselves like civil people, and have a decent time. (We're watching you.) Remember, no road rage in HMD.

For organizational purposes, you may want to borrow the following format in your comment.

Player name:
Characters played: Character :: Fandom :: Character LJ
Personal concrit link:
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N:
Other comments?

The general disclaimer, as usual, applies. By choosing to post here on HMD, you may find you receive comments you don't necessarily enjoy. Posting here, you accept that this could happen. But we will be monitoring, and will shut down any instance of abuse we can see. However, constructive crit and questions you just don't like do not count as abuse.

Now, that's out of the way- Have at it, polychromatic!

- beware of link .gifs, ye of the slow internet connection
- hmd tradition usually calls for a backasswards posting time like 3am EST, but- this mod is tired lovelies ♥
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