Jun 29, 2010 10:00
- 13:41 Wow, this BP spill thingie is an economic stimulus plan all on its own! A+++++ would employ more engineers and seamen again!!
- 15:15 pixel quote of the day: "...switched to RBA representations of images. It’ll provide at least a 25% performance jump..."
- 18:17 Posted a video of latest pixel bender doodlings: bit.ly/dD0xj0, article at omino.
( Read more... )
Jun 28, 2010 08:30
- 18:36 Retrieving my own code, and removing corporate contamination, preparatory to Open Sourcing it (like I should have done in the first place).
Jun 27, 2010 08:30
- 09:09 Whoah, Philip "Rosedale" Linden to return as CEO to #secondlife. Hmm!
- 13:27 Consumer protection my ass. If we take the complexity out of the economy, guess what? There is no economy.
- 20:37 #santacruzderbygirls at the civic... yfrog.com/1xuhimj
Jun 26, 2010 08:30
- 12:17 Coming soon, the Official Guidelines for How to Qualify for a .xxx Domain Name #xxx #.xxx
- 18:17 ACK finally moving my domain name off from networksolutions.com grrr they annoy me so greatly!
- 21:01 V trad yfrog.com/9h5vdnj
- 21:19 What? Huh? I am seeing #blueoystercult k k yfrog.com/emj7oj
- 23:24 Step 3. Upon the connection with power supply
( Read more... )
Jun 25, 2010 08:30
- 09:45 You know that document you attached? Name of "resume.doc"? I already had a file called that. So I skipped it.
- 19:01 Ok, where should I put it? Sourceforge, code.google, ... other?
Jun 23, 2010 08:30
- 18:11 I just declared Stacks Of Paper On Desk bankruptcy. (But did not declare Misc LEDs And Resistors On Desk bankruptcy.)
Jun 22, 2010 08:36
- 19:22 Quote of the Day: "Performance and memory optimizations are always competing with each other, and your girlfriend, for your spare time."
- 19:27 (Followed by "In this article, I will consider the first two factors only.")
Jun 21, 2010 08:30
- 18:12 Best reason to upgrade to an iPad: You get fourteen letters on Words With Friends!