Title: Friendship is Magic Author: Pompey Universe: BBC Sherlock Rating: G Word count: 100 Summary: John would do anything for an investigation, but he won’t do that. Prompt: July 5 - A False Mustache (disguises) ( Author's note, beware of spoilers )
If Brony!John doesn't do it for you, there's another way of looking at it (which I actually just realized.)
What if Sherlock is the brony and by letting John cosplay as his (Sherlock's) favorite character, he's showing John just how important it is to him that John do this. And John's pushing to see how far Sherlock will bend to get him to cosplay.
Comments 6
What if Sherlock is the brony and by letting John cosplay as his (Sherlock's) favorite character, he's showing John just how important it is to him that John do this. And John's pushing to see how far Sherlock will bend to get him to cosplay.
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