I haven't been feeling well for the past week or so, and it's really starting to drag. I'm thinking it's a combination of allergies and just plain burn out/exaustion. It's been a while since I've had some actuall time off. real actual time off where I can just laze about and re-charge, and do things at a casual pace. There's always just stuff to do, errands to run, and favors to perform, and my fucktastic office filled with managers who always pat themselves on the back for being college educated couldn't even figure out the basic math of, if there are x number of employees who have x number of days off available to them in a years will they be able to use all of there time off with in the span of one callender year? the answer is no. not by a long shot. so I'm currently unable to take any time off for the rest of the year, save for what I already managed to schedule back in Jan. which is one week in Nov, and another in Dec. >:( very miffed about this.
and the allergies are just killing me this year. my eyes are actually sore. not just itchy and runny, and red, and puffy. no. They are all of that, plus sore. My eyeballs actually feel swollen and tender. which I've found is a perfectly normal effect from allergies, and irritation, but still. ow.
Plus I have all the other normal symptoms, or runny nose/stuffy nose all at the same time, cloggy through etc. blech...
and all of this is causing groggyness, and difficult hearing, and my favorite, insomnia. I've been surviving off of about 2 to 3 hours sleep a night. joy!
On the plus side though I do actually have today to just chillax, which Is why I'm able t sit here and bitch about all of this. It's kind of a bummer though, because it's beutiful outside, and there's tons of fun things I'd like to do right now, but I'm just to exausted feeling to do it. I'm almost too tired to eat, and that's like woah for me, becuase I luvs my fuds. maybe if I'm feeling up to it later, I'll do some fun cooking since the kitchen is actually free for a change. :)
In super good news, the farmers markets are open, and awesome!!!! and I've found a page of listings for CSA groups so I may look into joining one of them.
Also I've started incorperating green smoothies into my diet, and highly recomend them. if you make them right they can actually be pretty damn tasty, and you do feel better after having them. :)
::off to find foods::