As probably all of you know, I'm in Jordan now digging up a storm.
Seriously, the site is so incredibly windy that in the afternoon you get
face fulls of dirt.
I'm staying in a Jordanian University town called Mutah about 10 km south
of Karak, if you want to look it up on a map. The site is in a Wadi with
a dam, so the first day we got to site we found out that the road that
usually was used to go to the site was covered over by water. It was a
bit surreal, we were talking about getting a boat to get to the site! It
turns out that a boat was not necessary afterall, we found an overland
path. This path consists of walking along the side of the mountain and
then up it to get to the site. Nothing like aerobic exercise at 5:30 am!
Yes, we wake up around 4:30 to get to the site around 5:30 so we can start
working by six. It's not that bad since the sun comes up around 5 anyway.
Once you get up to the site, the view over the lake created by the dam is
beautiful. It adds the illusion of water in the driest place I have ever
been in. Maybe because I'm getting covered in dirt, but I don't think my
skin has ever been this dry. Don't worry, I have taught myself to drink
lots of water, I average around 4 liters a day I think. :-D
Speaking of water, the water situation is special. Last night we ran out
of water because every house has it's own tank that gets filled up on
Friday. We used all our water :( but we have another tank, so it's ok. I
think you can imagine the general appearance of the group... It's actually
pretty cool. Makes me feel tough when I rough it.
The people are great. I was suprised to realize that there are always the
same types of people on every dig. So far there have been no insane
fights or feuds. YAY! We even survived the fact that the trucks that
were rented are completely crap. One truck has broken down countless
times, including once on the way back from the site. Hopefully, we will
change transportation modes soon.
This weekend we may be going to the Dead Sea. I hope so! It's very close
by so we can sleep in.
Wow, so much happened since I last wrote. Yes, I know, it's my fault but believe me I'm *tired* (and dirty) at the end of the day.
So lets see...
Well to answer everyone's number one question: no I do not stay hydrated enough. It's not that bad because I think that my body can operate in a state of partial dehydration but it's a slippery slope. I have not had to miss a day of work due to dehydration though, so it's ok. Actually this weekend I drank a liter of water in one go. It was a proud moment...
As for this weekend it is freakin' FANTASTIC! We (as a group) went to Petra and Aqaba, a town on the Red Sea that is shared with Egypt and Saudi. Petra was amazing... It's so beautiful and fun just to walk around. The best thing was that I got to go with tons of Indiana Jones fans so we had tons of fun walking up the siq (the entrance to Petra where Indy rode his horse). There were some amazing stories from our group as well. My unusual story was that I actually got money back from a Bedouin women selling trinkets! I got confused when I went to pay her and ended up paying twice as much and when I asked her about it, with one of the Jordanian men on the dig, she ended up giving me the money! If anyone has ever dealt with local shop owners in the Middle East, you will realize what an amazing feat that really is! The other cool thing that happened was that people from the group started talking to local Bedouins and we got invited to a barbeque in the desert as friends no less (usually you pay for this). The stars were amazing and the food delicious. Unfortunately, I really was too dehydrated that night and couldn't eat anything, boo, but I remember the deliciousness. :)
The next day we went to Aqaba where the group split up, half of us stayed in a not so nice but cheap hotel and the the other half stayed in the very nice 5 star Intercontinetal. I was in the cheap half ;). Of course, we milked the other group as much as possible. We ended up going to the Intercontinental for drinks the night we were in Aqaba and I got to see the France vs. Brazil game. Most everyone was shocked and appaled that France won, but I *knew* my team would pull through! I don't know why people think that France sucks when if clearly doesn't. (Addendum: I haven't yet check the newest scores so what ever I say now is without the best info.) The second day we were in Aqaba a small contingent of those of us not paying out the wazoo for a 5 star hotel snuck into the Movinpick, another 5 star hotel. It was the easiest thing in the world, all we had to do was get on an elevator that took up to the pool. It was totally worth it! I spent the day relaxing and swimming in luxury. I just wish I got more pictures...
The weekend before last we went on the coolest hike ever invented! (I can't believe I said that a hike was cool, that just shows what awesomeness it was.) It was a hike in the Wadi Mujib IN THE WATER. We had to scale rocks and got to go under a huge waterfall. I am *crap* at scaling rocks, I really need to work on upper body strength. The wadi was really a siq so it looked like the Petra siq which means you can watch Indiana Jones to get a feel for the scenery. The next day we when to Jerash, the Roman outpost in Jordan. I found out I was really tired of looking at Roman ruins, but Jerash was worth it because I got to see a Jordanian re-enactment of a Roman Legion, gladiators, and a chariot race. It was so funny and so typical. The key fact is that it was *Jordanina* so the re-enactment was a little but slow and obviously choreographed but it tried and had heart. There was even a gladiator who wiggled his pecs at women... that was a bit disconcerting...
The weekend before that I went to Mt. Nebo and the Dead Sea. Mt. Nebo is where Moses saw the Promised Land and died. After climbing Mt. Sinai (where Moses got the 10 Commandments) I understand why this region was the Promised Land, it's SO GREEN in comparison! It was a really lovely and peaceful. The next day we went to the Dead Sea. SO COOL! It's also an experience that you can't describe until or fully appreciate until you do it. All I can say is that it's hard to swim while floating and that much salt burns! We also snuck into the Movinpick to use their pool and beach. I felt so proud because I was the one who got my little group into the facilities. At the Dead Sea Movinpick, they actually need room cards to get to the pool, so I (and two others) took off our shirts to show we had our suits on and walking into the pool area. I was leading and got asked for the card. So I calmly looked at the guy and said in my best "I clearly belong here" voice that our friends were at the pool and I believe they had the key. He waved me in. It was great! I can bullshit my way into places now yay!
That's all the weekend excursions we have had so far. As you can tell, I'm seeing as much of Jordan as I can. As for the dig, some crazy stuff is being found. I found parts of 2 stone vessels and walls ;)! The group is a crazy bunch and we just get crazier in the sun. There are so many stories I'm sure all of you will hear about it in the future.
Real life update: I just feel out of my chair in the internet cafe. That's twice in 4 days that I have fallen out of the sitting position. The first time was when I was pretending to be a girl with no arms on a swing. You actually *do* fall out of the swing if you don't have arms to catch yourself! Who knew?? ;)