Wheeeee! Got well narked at Chibnall for Dinosaurs but this was pure joy.
- Kate Stewart! So much love, and the perfect way to give the Brig a legacy. Thought it was written and played beautifully. He saluted, she didn't. Love that.
- UNIT. Not being twats. Yay.
- Pooooooonds. Ponds with lives and jobs and friends, and the Doctor, and it not being presented as an easy choice. I love Donna and I love Rose but the 'oh noes your life is just shit without that mad bloke in it' is no use, really, is it? And Wilf Brian's right to urge them on for more if they want it, and he'll still be right after next week. Erm. (I may be in denial about this bit.)
- The 'running away/running to' scene was lovely and heartfelt and I was glad they found time to sit down and do that. I kept being reminded of Amy's Choice, in the good way. (I'm pretty sure Amy's Choice being an atypical episode pissed me off at the time, but I've changed my mind because apart from the forgetting-she's-pregnant ending, it's aces.) How brilliant is it that it's 50 years on and the exact same format (well... *handwaves*) still has integral stuff in it to poke at. What are companions for? What happens to them and how does that actually, properly, work in practice? Cos everyone would ask, wouldn't they?
- I liked the wee cube thingies, though I was sort of expecting them to turn out to be innocent info-gatherers and the Doctor's assumption that they were weapons would be proof that he's Gone All Baaaad in the Head. The end was quite stupid but I think preferable.
- Lots of Rusty vibes: celeb talking heads and real-TV-show spots, newsreel, anxious extended family, stupid deus ex machina that falls apart if you look at it. (And whoa, Doctor, that's a lot of brain dead people down there. How long since the cardiac arrests? Hmm.) It made it feel quite joined up, somehow, in a different way from a multi-Doctor one.
Short version: if that had been the 50th Anniversary Special, I'd have been more than happy. ZYGONS IN THE SAVOY HOTEL, PEOPLE!
In other news, I had a large bag of Sweet AND Salty popcorn for dinner. (It came like that, I wasn't improvising.) Henceforth I intend to shun all other single-tasting foods, and demand all snack foods buck up and taste of BOTH instead of this 'choosing' nonsense. Cheese & Doughnut crisps! Marmite with Jam! Bacon Snickers!
Lucille and Mitt. It's the Arrested Development/Bonkers Republican tumblr you've been waiting for.