I like good days, they are good.

Oct 21, 2003 22:49

Today school ended after third period, so we got to leave for the last three lessons. So I came home and watched the extra features on my Fellowship of the Ring disc for three hours. I think this was a really good arrangement.

I watched the first two hours of the cast commentary. Elijah Wood said that the hobbits 'owned' the drinking song. Haha. Geek. Really, does anyone use the phrase 'you so owned that' who is not a nerdy internet type? I think not. Geek. Nerd. Geek. Ehee.

Orlando Bloom had absolutely nothing to say other than 'oh my god LOOK at that part/shot/effect, isn't that SO fantastic, that's my favourite part in the whole movie', and loooong boring rambles about how absolutely wonderful and fantastic every member of the cast was.

I heard the infamous 'tig tag tog' thing. Yes it was funny. Apparently a fangirl gave Elijah a handwritten scroll with the rules of tig written on it. That is not funny. It's actually kind of lame. I'm so glad I'm not a fangirl.

.. -Snorts-

I think I'm going waaay outside the scope of my friends list's LotR interest/excessive knowledge. Anyway. I was watching the chapter where they're going through the Shire trying to get away from the Black Riders. There's this one shot of one of the Riders looking over fields, and in the distance there are lots of things sticking up.. and I -think- they could be the Barrows, the places the Barrow-wights lived in from the chapters that didn't make it into the movie. Very cool.

Also, the last time I saw Fellowship I had not read RotK. So until today the line at the end, 'I'm glad you're with me Sam', did not make me explode with umg cannot wait for RotK-ness. Seriously. Cannot. Wait.

I need to befriend more LotR fannish LJ people, or something. Hm.

Loz: I am going to be the first person in the world to have dreads AND an afro.
Tara: Yeah, it can be like a mullet, but like, even cooler!

I also think I'm going to become an animal handler at a zoo next year. So I'll be the first animal handler to have dreads and an afro. I have plans.
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