I'm 32 today. I've gleefully told everyone that I'm gaining a binary digit this year. After 25 or so, you have to create your own milestones, or at least ones you want to hit
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On your tumblr, I like the "COLOUR" picture -- the pizza box with the art supplies is a nice touch! (are you taking an art class? did you do the Quick Man?)
Quick Man was a present from Joe for my B-Day, I'm not quite at that level yet. I am taking a principles of Visual Design class this semester, which instead of involving Photoshop techniques has involved buying art supplies. It's been a lot of fun. I think I'm going to try to paint my next album cover. :-)
When will you (hypothetically) be in New York? I've been meaning to head up there again for a while (I AM COMING TO SEE YOU ERIC), so this summer seems a good a time as any.
Unless I get hit with a bus or something, I'm totally going to be in New York. From late May to late August! It would be rocktastic if you came to visit!
Comments 4
On your tumblr, I like the "COLOUR" picture -- the pizza box with the art supplies is a nice touch! (are you taking an art class? did you do the Quick Man?)
Quick Man was a present from Joe for my B-Day, I'm not quite at that level yet. I am taking a principles of Visual Design class this semester, which instead of involving Photoshop techniques has involved buying art supplies. It's been a lot of fun. I think I'm going to try to paint my next album cover. :-)
When will you (hypothetically) be in New York? I've been meaning to head up there again for a while (I AM COMING TO SEE YOU ERIC), so this summer seems a good a time as any.
Unless I get hit with a bus or something, I'm totally going to be in New York. From late May to late August! It would be rocktastic if you came to visit!
I poured my heart out...
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