(no subject)

Aug 04, 2016 02:26

I decided to clear the cob webs from my livejournal and maybe post something, but instead I found this gem sitting in my drafts from many many months ago. It was quite optimistic which is a timely reminder to myself, that I can be positive sometimes...

The past month has been extremely trying. Seeing Zee like that and having to change some things, from trivial routines to long term plans, because of it has really been difficult on me. I really don't like change...
But it's not all that bad, days are always good because I am alive and I am surrounded by a lot of love.

i've been working hard trying to juggle school and trainings, my family, work and trying to care for Zee as much as I can. It's been hard and I look outside and I wish I was somewhere else and i might be happier there. Yet I wake up every morning and continue to work hard for the same people doing the same things, trying to attain a better life for myself, my family and Zee. I choose to do that every day because I love it. and I know that these people are working equally as hard for me.

I'd like to think that all of the things that has happened the past month has only strengthen my love for my family and for Zee. I am now, more sure than ever about where I want my life to go.

I've been away from my LJ for far too long, so so so many things have happened and I don't even know where to begin - so I won't even try.
Still as lost, although I have gathered some memorable experiences along the way. But good to know that I still have Zee, and my family and a pretty great home.

so isallguud. 
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