hahahahha Pookie remember that time over the summer when we were going to your house and that really sketchy guy with the half naked like 12 year old in the front seat?! haha and he like stepped in front of your car to get you to stop and you told him that you weren't from around there and then your driveway was like 30 feet away?! hahahahha omg that was so awesome! i miss you babes! muah!
OMG that was amazing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA. That night when I drove home in the dark I thought he was going to come out of the woods and kill me, so I sprinted into my house.
Remember that time... we saw spiderman 2.... and later we all went skinny dipping? haaaaaaaaaaa
haha yeah and i got pneumonia in august because of it. omg SO fun tho!!! We'll have to do that again this summer, but with at least a cuter, taller person!!! hahaha ;)
1) George Parks is the man! slightly insane, but an amazing director. I miss band day :(
2) The first time I went home last year I brought my roommate home for a party and we got on the wrong train and ended up getting a ride from some random guy too!! talk about sketchy man. I think back on it now and I'm like, wow, I could be dead or something...haha but it was an experience and I haven't gotten on the wrong train since!!!
haha but anyways long time no talk!! if you come to boston you need to call me up or something :-D
aww Yea I love George Parks, he was so inspirational. And when that sketchy guy was bringing us to the other train station he was telling me how people do this all the time. I guess this guy fell asleep on the train and he had to go all the way back to Boston which was like an hour and a half drive. Poor guy! Anyway next time I go to Boston I'll definitally give you a call! what's your number? I can put it in my phone and next time I go to Boston I'll call you. <3
Comments 14
where are you auditioning on the 12th? i have one at hofstra that day. oh em gee im scarrrrredddhjkdh!!
<3 Pookie
Remember that time... we saw spiderman 2.... and later we all went skinny dipping? haaaaaaaaaaa
Come to RI sooon!
1) George Parks is the man! slightly insane, but an amazing director. I miss band day :(
2) The first time I went home last year I brought my roommate home for a party and we got on the wrong train and ended up getting a ride from some random guy too!! talk about sketchy man. I think back on it now and I'm like, wow, I could be dead or something...haha but it was an experience and I haven't gotten on the wrong train since!!!
haha but anyways long time no talk!! if you come to boston you need to call me up or something :-D
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