I would have gone. ran all the way. wont meet me in the middle? thats alright I guess. I was wearing a Berkeley sweatshirt, maybe youd remember. but now..whatever.
its not just that, its other shit that bugs me. I dont know if im overreacting or something. I dont think I am..not really. Im like going through withdrawl or something. haha. there arent a lot of things that make me happy. yeah withdrawl, its like that and im crazy. maybe I am overreacting. im so babbling right now. but I dunno can I blame you? I guess you didnt know..I doubt youd do it purposely. but lifes too short I think, well..not exactly but its not worth crying over or anything, being sad and depressed sucks you just have to get over it. I think im just talking to myself but I need to write it somewhere. everyone who reads this is probably going to think im crazy. haha I dont care maybe I hate you all without knowing it. like, you know-people like you, maybe I hate them. I dont fit in. hah. im so weird..you can look at this however you like. yeah but can you blame me? it just sucks..maybe its my fault though because ive been shy-maybe i just dont know what i want. I really dont though. I dont know what i want. I think I know..
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