01. Fallen for your best friend? uh no
02. Made out with JUST a friend? nope
03. Been rejected? i guess
04. Been in love? no
05. Been in lust? no?
06. Used someone? not that i can remember.
07. Been used? for sure.
08. Cheated on someone? no
09. Been cheated on? nah.
10. Been kissed? yah
11. Done something you regret? probablly
Who was the last person...
12. You touched? my mom?
13. You talked to? Victoria
14. You hugged? um... my mom probablly
15. You instant messaged? um... hannah
16. Kissed? family, my mom. not family, not gonna say. im lame.
17. You had sex with? never.
18. You yelled at? um idk?
19. You laughed with? myself
20. You had a crush on? that is a secret.
21. broke your heart? hearts never been broken.
Do You...
22. Color your hair? nope.
23. Have tattoos? no
24. Piercings? yah. belly button and ears.
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? no.
26. Floss daily? yeah
27. Own a webcam? yep lol
28. Ever get off the damn computer? sometimes.
29. Sprechen sie deutsche? no
30. Habla espanol? a wee bit
General Questions
40. Considered a life of crime? sometimes I thin about robbing a bank. but not really considered it.
41. Considered being a hooker? thought about it. but no way.
42. Considered being a pimp? no.
43. Are you psycho? uh huh
44. Split personalities? no.
45. Schizophrenic? no. these are stupid.
46. Obsessive? no.
47. Obsessive compulsive? no.
48. Panic? sometimes.
49. Anxiety? i forget what that means so possibly.
50. Depressed? yeah sometimes.
51. Suicidal? heck no.
52. Obsessed with Hate? uh no.
53. Dream of mutilated bodies? i used to have a scary dream of abunch of blood and shit. so i suppose?
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? ?no?
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? um... on a beautiful beach with a boy. and the sun and pretty stuff.
56. What would you be doing? playing at the beach.
58. What are you listening to? one two ignition. saving that push.. PUSH IT REAL GOOD! oh baby baby oh baby baby... I LOVE THIS COMMERICAL.
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? oh yeah.
60. Chicken or fish? chicken.
61. Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? toy poodles. :) i saw one at the beach today and fell in love.
62. Current Clothes: my pjs.
63. Current Mood: lalallaa
64. Current Taste: mouth.
65. Current Hair: down and air dried.
66. Current Annoyance: um... boys.wish i could read their minds. ew. maybe not. but yeah.
67. Current Smell: clean clothes. my shirt just came out of the wash.
68. Current thing I ought to be doing: getting ready for bed.
69. Current Desktop Picture: some pretty yellow flowers.
70. Current Favorite Group: ?
71. Current Book: romeo and juliet? haha.
72. Current DVD In Player: um... idk? probablly life or somehting like it.
73. Current Refreshment: my saliva. ew.
74. Current Worry: you know.
75. Current Favorite: smiles.
76. Food: this super good salad my mom makes.
77. Drink: snapple.
78. Color: deep pink
79. Shoes: my sandals that remind me of this cool purse my mom has that she got in progresso.
80. Candy: um.. dont really like candy. gum?
81. Animal: didnt i do this before? toy poodles.
82. Movie: hmm i loved cellular and life or somehting like it.
84. Vegetable: salad. or idk.
85. What do you want to be when you get older? an artist. actress. model(Wish those last two were possible) or a housewife! :)
86: Married?: yup
87: Kids?: uhh 3.
88: Living Where?: some tropical beautiful place.
This or That:
89: Gay or straight? sraight
90:Boxers or Breifs? I dont care?
91: Reading or Writing: idk.
92: Basketball or Baseball: hm.. baseball.
93: Walking or Running?: uhh walking if its far. running if its short.
94: Left or Right? right?
95: TV Shows or Movies: tv shows.
96: Rap or Rock?: hm... rap recently.
97: Day or Night?: uhh day cause the sun. night cause the stars. love em both.