I love my wife

May 22, 2003 04:15

Erendis: *stalks Grima*
Grima: *works at a computer*
Erendis: *utilizies the direction the air vent is blowing to sneak up on him downwind*
Erendis: *POUNCE*
Grima: *swings Erendis around and kisses her* Don't do that
Erendis: *kisses back and grins* Haven't done it in awhile...just checking to see if I still could.
Grima: Well. *clicks save* You can
Erendis: *nuzzles* What are you doing?
Grima: Just writing some stuff down. Ioreth had a few ideas about the rethium we're going to test tomorrow
Erendis: More tests then... Mn. I wish we'd get to actually doing it...
Grima: Ah. Different tests. She's been thinking about Namuras again, mon
Erendis: Oh?
Grima: Just seeing if we can rebuild things. I think it's just optimism *rests his head on Erendis' shoulder*
Erendis: *plays with Grima's hair* Mn. I wonder.
Grima: Wonder what?
Erendis: If this is her way of dealing with mouth in a tube.
Grima: Reviving the weird child figure she up and killed? *begins playing with the laces on Erendis' shirt*
Erendis: *shrugs* More along the lines of throwing herself into a seemingly impossible task.
Grima: There. That makes sense. I've let my psychoanalyzing skills fall by the wayside lately
Erendis: *rubs Grima's shoulders* Mmn. They're still there. Just haven't had to use them recently...
Grima: Too easy to just use my senses...
Erendis: Mmm... and what lovely delicate sense they are. But it's good to keep in mind they can be tricked...
Grima: Mhmm. Speaking of tricking, any idea why Thorondir would be killing Gwathren? I thought the little degenerate LIKED her. *pulls Erendis up and sits her on the desk*
Erendis: Maybe he likes Trotter more?
Grima: Heh. I'm still waiting for when I have to seperate Trotter from those two, on Ioreth's orders.
Erendis: We really do need more rooms here...
Erendis: Another floor...something...
Grima: Mm. Yes. Two teenagers roomed up with someone who apparently went crazy and sex-obsessed with he started realizing he had authority... although maybe we've broken Trotter enough he won't do that
Erendis: I'm just very thankful we don't have an Arwen clone running around.
Grima: We had some Lothiriels. Not really the same thing, I guess.
Erendis: Not quite...frightening in a different way.
Grima: Naw. Trotter's disturbingly celibate.
Erendis: I'm not sure I buy that as much as not having an opportunity to be anything but celibate.
Grima: Just thinking of the real Aragorn again. *rests his head on Erendis' knee*
Grima: And I'm not sure if it's a case of forced celibacy. I mean, as long as you gagged Thorondir first it might be okay. And if he was like Aragorn, the fact Thorondir's a kid wouldn't be bothering him, mon
Erendis: *brushes his hair away from his face* Mn... so you think Trotter is alot more like his donor than it might first appear?
Grima: Well. I'm just focusing on when he was cloned and how they diverged... Aragorn was sort of downtrodden and everyone was insulting him and taking his country. Then a period after Trotter was created and we proved he had *no* power, suddenly people were listening to Aragorn again, and look what he used all of that authority for. Not ruling a country. Just noticing we've been giving Trotter responsbility lately... and him yelling at me proved how much of it, over the clones
Erendis: Mmmn. Fascinating...
Grima: *shrugs* This is probably why I abandoned psychoanalyzing for a bit
Erendis: The disturbing factor?
Grima: yeah
Erendis: *half smiles* So did you ever try psychoanalyzing me?
Grima: Yeah. *pets Erendis' leg* It was a bit confusing. Then you suddenly stopped trying to kill me. *looks up* So I gave up
Erendis: *laughs and pulls Grima up into a kiss*
Grima: *kisses Erendis and blinks* What did I do right?
Erendis: You let me be what I am. *kisses again* That and you're completely adorable.
Grima: What do other people try and make you? *traces a finger along Erendis' neck and shoulder* And I wouldn't say I'm adorable. A liar, a bully and a villain... *kisses and pauses* but not adorable
Erendis: Mmmn...doesn't matter. Generally some sort of emotionless harpy they can despise without feeling guilty. But you don't seem to mind much even when I am harpyish.

Liar, bully, villain - it doesn't matter I still adore you thus you are adorable in one sense of the word.
Grima: You have emotions. Plenty of them. 's why I feel like scum when I do something to hurt them, mon. *sighs and hugs Erendis*
Grima: Still sorry about that
Erendis: *clings and quick unsettled look before burying her face in his shoulder*
Erendis: Don't be...it's fine...
Grima: *pulls Erendis off the desk into his lap* I don't think it is. I don't want to ruin one of the few things that turned out perfectly
Erendis: *swallows and cuddles* Me either...
Grima: *kisses Erendis on the forehead* You've been talking to Trotter lately? Back to the problem at hand. He nearly skewered me yesterday
Erendis: I have. *sigh* I'm very sorry.
Grima: For talking to him?
Erendis: For his attempted skewering on you. I didn't do anything to him for it...probably should've but didn't.
Erendis: ...you really would love me no matter what I did... wouldn't you?
Grima: Yes.
Erendis: *Kisses*
Grima: *runs a hand through Erendis' hair* Why?
Erendis: Perhaps I've been a little too vengeful on occasion.
Grima: Well. Maybe not. I went too far with the Mouth thing...
Erendis: Did you?
Erendis: *looks up*
Grima: I should have done something else. Especially since he ended up getting blamed for something he didn't do.
Erendis: Ah. Well he's still fixable so... *shrugs*
Grima: Still
Grima: Trotter's all happy being justified. There's another step in the wrong direction
Erendis: It is...
Grima: *nuzzles Erendis* I don't suppose, since you're on speaking terms with him, you could badger him about his little pet, could you?
Erendis: In what sort of way?
Erendis: I have already a little bit I think...
Grima: get him to actually do it. Or just make him drag Thorondir out of that damned room
Erendis: Do it? Should be able to convince him to get Thorondir out of his room in any case...
Grima: Good. I can probably get more answers out of him... Ioreth came and banned me from going in there again. Especially since I refused to tell her why I was yelling at him anyway
Erendis: Why didn't you tell her?
Grima: I'd let to get some answers out of him before his head is on a pike
Erendis: Ahhh... Such as?
Grima: Why he killed Gwathren and blamed it on Mouth? He doesn't seem to mind punishment so much he'd blame someone else
Erendis: Mouth did kill him... Revenge?
Grima: Maybe.
Erendis: ...I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually...
Grima: Maybe. Or my poor Rohirric brain will overload and I'll start going around clucking like a chicken
Erendis: You'd make a cute chicken.
Grima: Big nasty chicken
Erendis: But I really doubt it will come to that. *hugs*
Grima: Hope not. If being trained as a scholar didn't do it, I'm probably safe. *kisses* And now, I need to get back to work, mon
Erendis: Of course. *kisses back* Night love.

A recap for you viewers at home who are suffering from me dropping the ball on this one: First off, we have Thorondir coming up with the idea that gives Erendis the motivation to kill him and Trotter both (what's left out of this, we realized later on, was the chat where Thorondir gets his way. GAH. But it is later canonly assumed they fucked) I'd link why Thorondir would be so eager to get into bed, but I'm bored and don't feel like tracking down that storypost. Settle for teenage crush/desperately wanting attention.

You all know why Erendis would want Mouth dead(killed her, slept with her husband) Mouth also killed Thorondir, and the amount of trauma Thorondir had over it is found in here, since Mouth had been trying to make friends with Thorondir before that, leading to a bit of trust on his part.

Erendis outlines her plan to Thorondir, making it seem that she's on his side, wherein Gwathren and Mouth are targetted openly and Trotter by dint of association.

Thorondir sabotages the cloning machines, making it impossible to reclone any of the dead. And he and Erendis fight, and he agrees to take it all on hinself, putting Erendis more out of the spotlight. Aaaand Grima interferes with the chips put in Mouth's head to control him, thus giving in the plausbility that Mouth may have been the killer, as explained in the next paragraph.

At some point during all of this, Thorondir finally had a small nervous breakdown and started indulging in a security blanket(murdered by Mouth, sex with Trotter(Thorondir's mentality varies between twelve and fourteen. He didn't handle it or the rejection afterwars well). These were mostly in Gwathren posts so we won't be linking to them.

the big post. Ariel's internet time went kablooey, so we went a long period without saying anything and I finally did it all in one big burst. How it all played out, how Mouth was framed for murdering Gwathren and breaking the tubes, Trotter slaughtering Mouth so he had to be put in stasis and Erendis bullying Thorondir into not saying anything. But Thorondir catching on, just a little bit.

Thorondir finally decides Erendis tricked him. Doesn't tell Trotter what happened.

Trotter and Erendis talk and the subject of Thorondir's blanket is brought up.. So in between trying to find out what drove Thorondir to thinking killing Gwathren and framing Mouth was a good idea, he's going to have to fess up with the probably dangerous to his continued existence fact of sex with Thorondir. Should Ioreth, the one with the scalpel, find out. She no likee the little kids being touched.

where we last saw our heros.

Fuck. That was as long as a normal post.
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