Guys, no eggs. No potatoes, either for that matter.
What I offer up today is truly something that I have never done before.
But don't worry, there's still some butter.
So, today, I got some free food, which is an amazing happening when you're Cooking in Poverty. I got some skim milk (blugh) and bottled water (which I could get from a tap, you know?). And, well, you'll see.
I also recieved some generic rice cereal, some Chocolate/Vanilla swirl marshmallows (but any kind would be fine), and some walnuts (but any kind of nut would be fine. Did you know walnuts are NOT nuts? They're drupes. It's true!). I already had the butter. Put them together and what do you got? Nutty Chocolate Rice Square Things. They're sort of like Rice Crispy Treats, except one is a brand name and the other is far superior.
But how do you do it?
Well, put a pot and a sheet pan on standby. But,
Well, you start with half a stick of butter. Or margarine, I suppose. But butter works for me, thanks.
Well, melt that butter (or margarine, I suppose) in a big ol' pot over medium-low heat.
When it looks like that, throw in, say...
Forty marshmallows. It's just the right thing to do. And over that medium-low heat, stir them.
Oh, what a world, what a world.
Melt it until it makes a ribbon of delicious, pretty much. Try not to eat your spoon, because...
You need to throw in your nuts and rice cereal. And mix it like crazy.
Let's visit a sheet pan, shall we? Oh, my! There seems to be half a stick of butter ( or margarine, I suppose) left!
Well, solved that problem. Note that now is a great time to butter (or margarine, I suppose) the spoon you used to mix the marshmallowy rice and nut mixture.
And throw that ball of wonderful on your sheet pan.
Spread it out...
...and put it in the refrigerator for a good fifteen to twenty minutes. That gives you just enough time to lick the pot, spoon, leftover butter AND smoke a cigarette clean up.
When you revisit the treats, just cut them into pieces.
Looks good enough to eat, doesn't it? So I shall.
(oh, and a special P.S. to those of you who can't or don't eat nuts (or drupes): neither does my roommate. So instead of adding nuts to the rice cereal, you could try M&Ms, or butterscotch chips, or dried fruit. I made some with dried cherries, and they turned out great, as well.)
See? Cooking is easy!