The Vampirie Diaries continues to be MUCH EXCITE and Supernatural manages to be slightly better than last weeks, if only for the last two minutes.
I still don't understand why Elena and Katherine are so Team Stefan, he is such a whiny, broody bitch. But anyway, TEAM DAMON aside, I did enjoy more backstory this week and am well excited to see what significance the moonstone holds. I think Nina is doing a stirling job of playing both characters, you actually felt a bit sorry for Katherine this week. I do enjoy the fact it departed from the books now, I didn't to begin with (hence me stopping watching it to begin with) but I am over that now.
The party stuff was epic, esp the banter between Mason and Damon. Damon, Damon, Damon. He is a such a noob. Always storming in and white-knighting it and in fact manages to balls it up even more. More Team Badass please! Also, next weeks episode looks good. Huzzah.
Supernatural. Hmmmm. It was slightly better than last weeks, but only for the fangirl pleasing, ovary exploding sight of Dean playing daddy, let's face it. Oh and the last two minutes when he whipped the cover of the impala were jizzworthy. Dean is a hunter! He should be hunting! I am kind of loving how they have written Lisa, she is a realist and it is nice they have left it for him to off hunting but still be able to have her and Ben in the storyline.
But in general, the story felt very disjointed and like it didnt make sense. Like one of the Campbells dying and it felt like no big deal, oh we have a baby and oh this shifter has now gone off and then it was kind of over and nbd again. It is clear that Sam is not Sam and that there is some bigger story going down with the Campbells in general, but I hope we get the pay off, at the minute it feels like they don't have any direction and are just winging it. I am going to throw it out there, but I wish they hadn't been so quick to please the fans and if they were determined to come back for another season, killed one of the brothers off. If they had killed Sam off (I am sorry Jpad, I love you really!) I could have seen a better storyline coming out of Dean going crey-crey obsessed with hunting and trying to break him out and maybe Sam coming back later in the season. But this, I got stuck in the cage, loljk, HERE I AM, still does not sit right with me. It kind of makes a mockery of the last five seasons mythology.
I will still keep watching though.
YAY CASTIEL IS BACK next week! Woo hoo! Also, I saw that episode 5 or 6 was called, Live Fast or Twihard, so it obvs means Vamps and lol at the title.