Tsukasa here is the Destroyer of Worlds. For reasons that were never properly explained, his very existence causes the multiverse to start collapsing in on itself and destroy itself until only one world is left. I have no clue if Castiel would be able to pick up on that, but yeah.
Yellow is a Pokemon trainer with innate magical powers from the Viridian Forest. This means she has minor telekinesis, and more importantly she can 'read the hearts' of Pokemon, heal them, and 'synchronize their spirits' to power them up to over 9000.
Karkat is a troll, not a human. He is also an ontological paradox (he was cloned from himself, and then his baby clone was sent back in time, whereupon it grew up and became him).
Naruto has chakra levels of over 9000, a naturally hella long lifespan, and a demon fox (a giant ball of sentient evil energy) inside his stomach. I'm pretty sure all of these would ping Castiel.
I'm not sure that he'd pick up anything off of Yellow just because it's so off his radar, but he'd sense that there was something inherently wrong with Tsukasa, he'd realize that Karkat shouldn't exist, and... yeah, all of Naruto's stuff would ping him.
Accelerator is 100% human, but a ridiculously powerful, scientifically enhanced ESPer. Immune to psychic abilities when in ESPer Mode, highly resistant to them when in Normal Mode (so if Cas's telepathy is reading of surface thoughts/mental communication that is fine, but anything deeper is likely a no-go). His abilities have divine properties, and thus he slightly, very latently pings for angel; according to the Toaru wiki he is 'one who wields a piece of power that equates to God'. Stats/permissions here with info on his awakened state. I don't expect his awakened state to show up in Camp without a serious trigger, but Cas is free to notice there's something unusual about him. Feel free to ask about anything!
Nana [diclonius] is a diclonius, i.e. a mutant subspecies of human with telekinetic powers. See her stats/permissions for details if you're curious on the differences.
Squid Girl is a squid, despite the fact she looks like a human girl with tentacle hair. 8D
Okay, Accelerator will definitely ping Cas due to the whole divine properties thing, but I'll keep in mind that he wouldn't really be able to read much off of him telepathically.
Comments 28
Tsukasa here is the Destroyer of Worlds. For reasons that were never properly explained, his very existence causes the multiverse to start collapsing in on itself and destroy itself until only one world is left. I have no clue if Castiel would be able to pick up on that, but yeah.
Yellow is a Pokemon trainer with innate magical powers from the Viridian Forest. This means she has minor telekinesis, and more importantly she can 'read the hearts' of Pokemon, heal them, and 'synchronize their spirits' to power them up to over 9000.
Karkat is a troll, not a human. He is also an ontological paradox (he was cloned from himself, and then his baby clone was sent back in time, whereupon it grew up and became him).
Naruto has chakra levels of over 9000, a naturally hella long lifespan, and a demon fox (a giant ball of sentient evil energy) inside his stomach. I'm pretty sure all of these would ping Castiel.
Nana [diclonius] is a diclonius, i.e. a mutant subspecies of human with telekinetic powers. See her stats/permissions for details if you're curious on the differences.
Squid Girl is a squid, despite the fact she looks like a human girl with tentacle hair. 8D
And got it for the others! Thanks for replying.
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