CartoonContest 2004.04.08 (Results and Voting)

Apr 11, 2004 13:26

Below is the winner of the latest CartoonContest.

A number of funny ones, this time!

mephisto63 takes the prize today. His submission was quite funny.
sawahbean gets an honorable mention for her humorous submission.

2.0 - planx_constant
2.0 - jorend
2.0 - mephisto63
1.0 - tuxmatt
1.0 - sawahbean
0.0 - Everyone else.

Another point may be awarded to any submission receiving 3 unique votes from the peanut gallery. Please take a look at the submissions and cite any one you think deserves an extra point. My chosen winner can also qualify for an extra point, but no voting for your own.
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