i really think the only thing that 911 inspired was a false sense of unity. people can feel more united by getting together and mourning the loss of something that has barely effected them. after 911 happened how many people did you see driving around with american flags on their cars? it gave americans the excuse to finally be proud of their country, when in actuality i think it should have been the opposite because anyone with an hour of free time and half a brain can read te details of 911 and realize that something isn't quite right with the sequence of events.
last night a group of about 50 people on campus stood in a circle singing and hugging. i guess they think thats a good way to honor what happened or that is a good way to 'cope', and it might be, but to me singing in a circle isnt helping anything and its that kind of thing that gives people the false sense that they're doing something worthwhile but its that sort of passive aggressive bull pocky thats going to lead to further distruction
i swear its a joke. if standing in a circle maked you feel better about what happened good for you, but don't startb to feel liek you're doing something important.
rich do you want to stand in a circle with me and sing sad songs because taco bell is not, and will never be, free of charge? i feel it would really help our country out and it would get a lot of things done in the future. maybe if you're feeling feisty we can even light a candle in memory of the free that will never be
im sure everyone living in a ghetto in New Orleans wanted to be living there. Saying to themselves "MAN I love living in poverty and discrimination" and as the hurriane came im sure they just said "well lets just let it hit us, it will be fun" They had no other choice. Do you really think people who barely have the money to pay their grocieries have the money to move even a few of their belongings to a "Safter" location? Most people are born into poverty and the system that regulates their lives makes it damn hard to get the fuck out of it. If you had 6 kids and no place else to go would you take your chances with a hurricane that people downplayed before it struck or would you have your kids living on the street? Most people had no choice, and now they cant even go back to the dump that was once their home.
2 maybe be true but 1 really isn't. i mean hurricanes go through florida all the time, but people still live there because the government takes action to prevent serious damage there. the reason new orleans was so bad was because the government built poorly made levees that crumbled. a levee shoudl be four feet wide for every foot tall it is and extend 10 feet under ground...the ones in new orleans were 4 feet underground and had a ratio of 1:1.
and besides the world tarde center was bombed only 10 years before 9-11. what do you say about the intelligence of people whow ent back to work there after that.
yo man you bring up some interesting ideas. Honestly, my political knowledge has a few too many holes in it (or alteast thats how I feel) to really put something down that strait forward. However, I completely agree in terms of katrina. The shit that happened there front to back was all kinds of wrong
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i would much rather be on livejournal and in a basement....which is fucked up but true. but thats my point i'm as guilty as anyone for not caring.
i really do wish i had the will to make big things happen, but just liek anyone i'm without direction and motivation you know. its a tragedy because everyone thinks the same wya i do and i wish that wasn't the case.
yo man a little change makes all the diffrence. You throw a rock into a middle of a lake you get small ripples, but eventually it will encompass the whole lake.
not everyone thinks like you rich i think i agree quite a bit more with miss amy, with her points to you and dom. i also think people remember 9-11 more because it's a day that the country was attacked by outsiders or something. people came and attacked us. it's something people can get mad about and try to get vengeance. have you never wanted to give someone the finger after they cut you off, or just stabbed them in the eye repeatedly? well, a hurricane has an eye, but you can't stab it. and i feel worse for the people that survived katrina and are going back to their homes than the people that died. they were told to leave and didn't. you reap what you sow. so don't call me a murderer, i didn't make them stay at their homes, i didn't fly a plane into a building. if you want to blow things up to a big enough scale where everyone can be called a murderer for something they did or more likely didn't do than go ahead. but don't try to bring me down. i will continue to live my life with my happiness
i agree that its rememebred more ebcause it has a face you know. you can say look they did it and that makes it easier, but that doesn't make it right.
as for them being told to leave they were told to leave after the levees started to break. it would be one thing should they have ahd reason to believe that it wasn't just a storm, but they were led to believe and with good reason that the government cared enough to protect them. you can;t blame them anymore for staying than you can blame the people working at the world trade center for going back after it was bombed in the 90s.
annnnd the we are murderers stab doesnt have to do with actually performing the acts, but our apathy as a generation, which i too am guilty of, enables things liek this to happen and we propetuate it with our silence. we are a generation of ideas without action.
Comments 20
last night a group of about 50 people on campus stood in a circle singing and hugging. i guess they think thats a good way to honor what happened or that is a good way to 'cope', and it might be, but to me singing in a circle isnt helping anything and its that kind of thing that gives people the false sense that they're doing something worthwhile but its that sort of passive aggressive bull pocky thats going to lead to further distruction
ok i guess just tacobell then.
and besides the world tarde center was bombed only 10 years before 9-11. what do you say about the intelligence of people whow ent back to work there after that.
i really do wish i had the will to make big things happen, but just liek anyone i'm without direction and motivation you know. its a tragedy because everyone thinks the same wya i do and i wish that wasn't the case.
i think i agree quite a bit more with miss amy, with her points to you and dom.
i also think people remember 9-11 more because it's a day that the country was attacked by outsiders or something. people came and attacked us. it's something people can get mad about and try to get vengeance. have you never wanted to give someone the finger after they cut you off, or just stabbed them in the eye repeatedly? well, a hurricane has an eye, but you can't stab it.
and i feel worse for the people that survived katrina and are going back to their homes than the people that died. they were told to leave and didn't. you reap what you sow. so don't call me a murderer, i didn't make them stay at their homes, i didn't fly a plane into a building. if you want to blow things up to a big enough scale where everyone can be called a murderer for something they did or more likely didn't do than go ahead. but don't try to bring me down. i will continue to live my life with my happiness
as for them being told to leave they were told to leave after the levees started to break. it would be one thing should they have ahd reason to believe that it wasn't just a storm, but they were led to believe and with good reason that the government cared enough to protect them. you can;t blame them anymore for staying than you can blame the people working at the world trade center for going back after it was bombed in the 90s.
annnnd the we are murderers stab doesnt have to do with actually performing the acts, but our apathy as a generation, which i too am guilty of, enables things liek this to happen and we propetuate it with our silence. we are a generation of ideas without action.
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