Player's Name: Raini
Player LJ: sailorsanrio
AIM or Email: aim; sozdaniye, email;
Timezone: PST
Other Characters Played (at Template): Rosa Farrell, Lucrecia Crescent, Alys Brangwin, Harley Quinn
Character: Dana Scully
Series/Fandom: The X-Files
Original or Template version: Original
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Link to picture/PB of character:,, and Scully is around average height (at around 5'3") with varying lengths of red hair (usually above her shoulders, though she does grow it out on occasion) and blue eyes. Clothes consist of usually business casual attire, but rarely ever skirts- usually they are easy to move in pantsuits due to her job, though casual clothes can and will consist of sweaters, scoop neck t-shirts, and often slacks and sometimes jeans. When her hair is grown out some, she will pull it back out of her face, but normally while short, it's kept down. At the moment, it is cut short and cut in such a way that it frames her face.
Personality: Scully is the serious one out of the two agents. While she does have a sense of humor, it doesn't show often. She tends to roll her eyes at Mulder's jokes, thinking either he's a total dork, or she mentally facepalms. Scully is also very serious about her job. Because of this, she rarely spends time doing other things such as see friends or date, as work takes up a huge part of her life. While she still retains a lot of her skepticism on the files that Mulder works on, how open-minded he is has rubbed off on her some. She's still willing to use science to debunk some of what happens in the X-Files, but sometimes, it can't be explained by science. Scully accepts this when she really has to, though she has trouble trying to explain it to Skinner when the time comes.
Scully is also a very intelligent woman. While both agents use their intellect to solve cases, she focuses on the scientific aspect of it, and if it comes down to doing the science thing to identify something, she's the one to handle that aspect while Mulder goes off on the chase.
To add to this, Scully can be a compassionate woman, and it's seen in many episodes that she has a soft spot for children especially, though her desire to help people is just as strong.
Abilities/Strengths: Scully is a trained medical doctor, and so she has the training to perform surgeries, autopsies, and she can pick possible diagnoses from her brain based on visible symptoms. She is also trained to be able to shoot a gun, due to her being in the FBI, and she's fantastic and acting undercover (though she'd never admit it.)
Weaknesses: On the flip side, Scully is only human, and she's susceptable to normal human illness, as well as gunshot wounds and normal death. Children also factor into her weakness, as she loves them and hates to see them harmed. Human life is precious to her, and when people are killed/maimed in terrible ways, it bothers her and can get her to act differently than normal, depending on the factors.
History: Note: Scully will be pulled from the end of season 7, and the tie-in to Mulder's death was talked about beforehand with Lisa. Aaand one last thing, technically at the end of S7 you find out Scully is preggers, but there will be none of that happening in this version.
Dana Scully was born to a Catholic family, and is the youngest daughter in the Scully family, the eldest daughter being her sister Melissa. Dana also has two brothers, one older (the eldest in the Scully family) and a younger brother. Her father was in the Navy when she was young, which resulted in the Scully family moving at least once. Unlike Fox, she never had any weird things happen to her when she was a child, in the paranormal sense that is, though she was a rebellious teenager when she hit that age.
Dana graduated high school, and when to the University of Maryland, where she got her B.S. in physics. After that, she went to medical school, where the FBI contacted her. Wanting to distinguish herself, she joined the FBI after she finished med school. She acts as a forensic pathologist on many of her cases.
For some time, Dana taught at the FBI Academy in Quantico. However, she was called in to be partnered up with Mulder on an assignment to get information on him to shut down the X-Files, or at least debunk the files with science. Of course, there were many things that were unexplainable, even when she looked at things objectively. However, the X-Files have been shut down a couple times, but... they've been ressurrected as well.
During her time with Mulder, she was abducted by what was thought to be aliens for some time, but nonetheless, she was abducted. Because of this abduction, Dana was diagnosed with cancer. However, because of Mulder's determination to save her life, said cancer is in remission.
Between the X-Files being shut down a second time (after Mulder's office being set on fire to hide evidence,) Mulder and Scully were caught up in another case involving the alien races. During this period of time, she was infected with the Black Oil, a sentient alien lifeform and brought to the ship where they were taking their own test subjects (who were incubators for the aliens) back to the stars. Mulder saved her, and after this, the X-Files were reopened after another series of events played in their favour, most notably the death of Jeffery Spender and Diana Fowley turning it back to Mulder and Scully. Their work eventually brought them back to where it all started for them, and in the end, while she was fighting illness, Mulder was abducted by the very aliens they had encountered before in Bellefleur.
While on the search for Mulder, Scully was teamed up with John Doggett, another agent in the FBI. Scully, while taking on other cases, kept up a search for Mulder. When he turned up, he was thought to be dead (or near-death,) and while she stayed with him, she was shot and killed to cover up the truth about what had happened, while Mulder was also killed as well. That was her entrance into Template.
Sample Journal Entry: I'd love to blame this one on Mulder, but this time, I don't think it's quite his fault. It's amazing. [There is a sigh, followed by some light mumbling that may or may not be her cursing.] I'd love to know where I am though, and how to get back to D.C., but it looks like I'm a little far from home. Mulder? You'd better be with me. I don't want to be stuck somewhere like this alone. ...Mulder? Oh sh-- all right. Calm thoughts. [The rest is mumbling from here on out, mainly to herself.] He was with me when we got dropped off by-- whatever it was, and then... then, I don't remember. Great. Maybe I can blame this on him. [Face, meet the palms of her hands.] First thing's first: find out where I am, and go from there. Maybe I'll find my idiot partner in the process. [Heavy sigh. Oh Mulder, why you do this? :(] Right. Off we go then, out of-- uh, out of the church I'm in?
Sample Roleplay: Nothing had turned up regarding Mulder yet, and it was, frankly, starting to irritate her. Doggett was a pain in her ass, no leads, and the worst headache in her life was making things difficult to take in all at once right now. With a sigh, Scully gulped down a large amount of water from the glass that had been sitting on the table now for more than an hour. It had been poured and promptly forgotten as she got further and further immersed in her work and research. Ugh, warm water never tasted good, but so be it. It was her own fault for letting it sit. No matter. There were more pressing things at hand, and a glass of room temperature water was of no consequence.
But something in her email caught her eye, once she opened it. An email from an undisclosed source, mentioning something about her lost partner. Something good, she hoped? It didn't take long for the email to be opened, and for it to be read; every detail was looked over, none of it skimmed. "This is unreal," Scully mumbled as she closed her email. Mulder was found? Or rather, he would be found once she went to the location mentioned in the email? There was no way.
Scully was reaching for her cell phone to call Doggett, but something made her stop. He didn't really entirely care about Mulder like she did, did he? He never completely showed that, so why should she bother with calling him? There was no time for that, and she was needing to keep an appointment now. If what she read was true, there was no time to be wasting.
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