Does everyone like facing the truth? I mean what if the truth was hurtful. Don't get me wrong its healthy to face the truth but also accepting it too?! and not only that trying to bare the truth and move on like nothing happened. Oh man, oh man all I can say is facing the truth that jealousy is my biggest downfall is easy but getting over this jealousy now thats a different story. To be honest I don't like it but what else can I do? I mean lets face it nice guys "If you weren't chosen you weren't chosen for a reason" even so gathering that damn hope up again.
Some people in this day and age think chivalry is ok as long as you dont back down. A good majority of today's society however renders chivalry useless. "Outdated" "Not Enough" "Self Independence" these are the few excuses which society gives chivalry a no go. So whats a knight heart supposed to do? just give in to society? or defy it because I stand for who I am and what I've been raised upon?
Yanno one question I always wanted an answer to was how to stop oneself from thinking too much. Not only for a brief period of time but an extended amount of time especially when all other options that were available, that you used to enjoy, fade away.
3:18 ish when I started writing this, yet I still don't understand how I'm awake.
One thing I do like to yell about is: How can one say they're straightforward when even small little things that end up being big to them they don't approach the person directly and just bluntly say it?
Awkwardness? I find it useless to save ones humility but then again I have no shame when it comes to important subjects. Truth is truth you tell it harsh....and with that said perhaps thats why I'm taking in what I've sowed.
My birthday's comin up lol! maybe I can get the guts to ask a girl I've had a crush on out for dinner or something....then again just cause it happened for my first love doesnt mean it'll happen for my last ;P hahaha XD
Yeah funny event...I think it was uh Sophomore year in T.H.H.S. when I asked out Avery, surprisingly she said "sure" and I wasn't too sure if she was serious or what but i did get my one date and man was it worth it all that biking just to set a date. Supposedly shes a model now, and I could've sworn I've seen her on the myspace adds cause the girl in the pink top and white hot pants advertising about singles or something resembles her and I was like "wow stunning!" when I saw it.
April 22-27 I've reserved off for several reasons: April 22= pokemon diamond/pearl, April 24th = friends b-day, April 25th = my b-day. Other than that it's pretty much just hangout with people or whoever is available and when/what etc.On a totally random note I've still yet to realize what kind of clothing style I fit perfectly into. Then again perhaps I should loose some weight before treading into those waters.
I miss my friends, I wish I never pushed them away because of complications. Would it be wrong of me to wish to battle to the death? as in like sword fighting blah blah haha....I'm being silly now aren't I?
well I'll try to sleep. -If- anyone even bothers reading this I thank you for your time.
comments? advice? share thoughts?