
Jan 05, 2009 19:57

1. Write the story of your life
2. Watch every James Bond film
3. Sing along in a music store
4. Build a snow cave
5. Get in the record books
6. Turn your mobile off for a week
7. Run in fancy dress for charity
8. Blow one month’s wages on shoes
9. Paint a self portrait
10. Bury a time capsule
11. Leave behind a million dollars
12. Learn to play at least one song
13. Plant a tree and carve your name in it
14. Go on holiday with no luggage
15. Have a night at the opera
16. Learn a different language
17. Play an elaborate practical joke
18. Host a cocktail party
19. Spend Christmas Day helping out at a hostel/soup kitchen
20. Meditate for 3 hours in one sitting
21. Spend a week at sea
22. Get re-married in Vegas
23. Skinny dip at midnight
24. Have a suit hand made
25. Spend the night in a haunted house
26. Make fire the old-fashioned way
27. Swing through the sky on a trapeze
28. Horse ride through the surf
29. Read a book a fortnight for a year - in that I read more than 26 books last year
30. Make your own pasta
31. Swim with something big (whale, shark, dolphin etc)
32. Sleep outdoors watching the stars
33. Create an online alter-ego
34. Cook something you’ve grown
35. Resign by all-staff email
36. Go out shopping in just a Drizabone (shopping in just a fur coat is bad)
37. Catch a fish and eat it that day
38. Brew your own beer
39. Learn to throw a boomerang
40. Ride a giant rollercoaster
41. Surf and snowboard in one day
42. Build a tree house
43. Take pole dancing lessons
44. Pash a policeman on New Years Eve
45. Do a Roar & Snore at the zoo
46. Give a homeless person your lunch
47. View a house you can’t afford
48. Hire a house boat
49. Go trekking, carrying all your gear
50. Build something that will outlast you
51. Research your family tree
52. Go to a bedding store in your PJs
53. Cut your own hair
54. Get involved in a protest rally
55. Make a sign for the cricket
56. Leave a love note on a windscreen
57. Build a giant sandcastle
58. Blow a kiss to a Bikie
59. Wear fancy dress for a whole day
60. Spend one hour in a lift
61. Get your fortune told
62. Make a baby laugh
63. Make a snowman
64. Make love on the beach
65. Help out at a soup kitchen
66. Send flowers for no reason at all
67. Watch the sun rise
68. Watch the sun set
69. Make a cake for the teachers (preferably when you don't have kids at the school, or kids at all)
70. Take the day off on your birthday
71. Spend Christmas Day in Lapland
72. Make a heap of Autumn leaves and jump in them
73. Walk through knee deep mud
74. Tell your Mum you love her
75. Have a night at the ballet
76. Take evening classes with a friend
77. Take a tap dancing lesson
78. Write a letter to your grandchild
79. Smile at 100 strangers
80. Read the plays of Shakespeare
81. Do a first aid course
82. Keep a diary for a whole year
83. Google yourself
84. Visit your parents in a limousine
85. Live off the land for a week
86. Listen to your iPod straight through
87. Fast for 48 hours and give the money you would have spent on food to charity
88. Skip with your kids along a beach
89. Take a vow of silence and spend a day having an internal conversation with yourself
90. Finish the crossword or sodoku
91. Give blood
92. Write to your favourite author
93. Walk a marathon (lets you soak up the atmosphere)
94. Contact your childhood sweetheart
95. Give an emo a big sloppy kiss
96. Pretend to be invisible
97. Buy some outrageous sunnies
98. Wind up a security guard
99. Send a message in a bottle
100. Make a kite and fly it
101. Test drive a car you can’t afford

ETA: Since I seem to have started a meme, I'll actually give the background - this list was on an advertising flier for life insurance I found in my Dad's house. I thought it was quirky and seemed like a fun list of things to accomplish, so typed it up.
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