The Basics
Name?: Alexandra
Sex?: femme
Birthday?: 12.08.88
Location?: cape cod, ma
Height?: 5'3"
Hair Color?: auburn
Eye Color?: brown
Post the link where you promoted us:
Would you rather be alone, hang out with one other person, or be in a group?: small group
Friday night?: movies, dinner, anything with friends
What would you say your everyday attire consists of?: button-down ralph lauren shirts or lacost/ralph lauren polos, khakis or a skirt, my tiffanys charm bracelet
This or That
Night or Day?: day
Cat or Dog?: dog
Ugly and Sweet or Hott and Mean?: hott & mean
Hot or Cold?: hot
Tall or Short?: short
Prep of Punk?: prep
Winter or Summer?: summer
McDonalds or Burgerking?: mcdonalds
Hard or Soft?: depends what you're talking about ;-) soft?
Chad Micheal Murray: i personally don't find him all that attractive, but i like One Tree Hill & i think he's a good actor
Lindsay Lohan: gorgeous but a little young for all the skanky media attention she's getting
Hillary Duff: i'm kind of getting sick of her, i used to love everything she wore, she's really pretty
Christina: she's been much classier lately so I've stopped disliking her as much... even tho i secretly never did ;-)
Brittney Spears: guilty pleasure x10000... gorgeous, hott, dramatic, trashy, beautiful, talented... whatever.
Jlo: was never a big fan of her music, i'm just glad that Bennifer's finally over. i think overpublicising may have ruined her career
Josh Harnett: not THAT cute, but he's a good actor and he's been in some interesting movies. he's definitly nice-looking.
Underage drinking: if it's kept under control, it's harmless, but there've been so many times when people have gotten hurt because of it.... some people are stupid about it.
Gay marriage: i have no problem with it & im for it but i guess i see why people think it would "ruin" regular marriage
Premarital sex: it's so much more common now, i dont know anyone whos waited till marriage.
What do you think classifies a "prep"?: how/where you were brought up, what kind of family you come from and how you carry youself
What makes you preppy?: i wear preppy clothes (i ALWAYS have to match) and go to a preppy private school but that doesnt really make me preppy. i was brought up in this stereotypically preppy part of connecticut (country clubs, big houses, expensive cars) i had to take four years of cotillion and i had a "coming out ball" lol... that was an experience.
How many pairs of shoes do you have that actually fit?: somewhere around 20, tons of Eliza B. flipflops lol
What pieces of jewlery do you wear everyday?: tiffanys charm bracelet, heart ring from my boyfriend, diamond heart necklace
Do you have a cell phone?: of course!
Name three things you "can't live without": cell phone, evian, and some shopping money ;-)
what's your favorite clothes store?: ralph lauren or saks fifth avenue
What's your favorite outfit?: khakis & pink ralph lauren button-down shirt w/ pink & green striped belt & ugg clogs
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