Mar 17, 2005 20:21


The Basics

Name?: stephie, but my nickname is pin becase of my last name - pineiro
Sex?: female
Birthday?: may 25th, 1989
Location?: miami, fl
Height?: 4'11 =)
Hair Color?: brown with blonde highlights
Eye Color?: dark brown
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Would you rather be alone, hang out with one other person, or be in a group?: hanging out in a group, whether it be at the movies, a party, the beach, shopping, or a get together.
Friday night?: favorite time of the week. usually a movie, or dinner, a party, sleepover, or just hanging out, but always with friends
What would you say your everyday attire consists of?: well, since i go to a catholic highschool, its a uniform. but on the weekends, usually a lacoste shirt, or a hollister / urban outfitters tee with my jeans, white linen pants, or a skirt.

This or That

Night or Day?: night.
Cat or Dog?: dogs !
Ugly and Sweet or Hott and Mean?: hot and sweet =)
Hot or Cold?: cold. i hate the feeling of being hot
Tall or Short?: im short, so power to short people
Prep of Punk?: prep of course
Winter or Summer?: summer .. love the style more, but i love winter weather.
McDonalds or Burgerking?: good old mcdonalds .. even though the first burger king was made in miami!
Hard or Soft?: what are we talking about here hmm?


Chad Micheal Murray: hottt and a great actor.
Lindsay Lohan: good actress, but umm who does she think she is? she swears
Hillary Duff: i know i sound like a little girl, but i love her ! shes a genuwinely nice person, and shes an ok actress
Christina: amazing voice, but shes trashy
Brittney Spears: my favorite ever. i love herr
Jlo: amazing body, amazing music, amazing movies, amazing buisness entrapenuer
Josh Harnett: he was hot, but i havent seen him in a while


Underage drinking: i think its normal to drink when you're under age. i dont drink except on special occasions, but im not saying that one day before im 21 i wont get hung over. just make sure you accept the consequences you get with it.
Gay marriage: i support gay marriges. i have no problem with it. everyone on this earth was made equal, so why shouldnt they get the same rights as everyone else?
Premarital sex: i think its good to save yourself until marrige, but im not. im saving myself until i find someone special enough so i know im really in love. i want it to be special. power to all the premarital sexually active people. just once again, realize the consequences that can come with it.
What do you think classifies a "prep"?: i think you can tell a prep from anyone else when they are walking down the street. they're wearing polos, abercrombie, or hollister etc, they always look their best, and have designer labels. they are classy, know how to look good, and are proud of it.
What makes you preppy?: i always take the time to look my best, whether it be going to school, or a party. i love designer lables, especially coach, lacoste, and hollister, and i think im a pretty classy person. im a typical preppy girl, but my priorities are straight. family, friends, and school comes first.


How many pairs of shoes do you have that actually fit?: 22
What pieces of jewlery do you wear everyday?: my tiffanys necklace, a ring, and a few bracelets
Do you have a cell phone?: of course
Name three things you "can't live without": my friends, my camera, and my ipod
What's your favorite clothes store?: hollister,abercromnbie and fitch, nordstrom, and urban outfitters
What's your favorite outfit?: a pair of seven jeans with a lacoste shirt, and either my sparkly flats, my puma sneakers, or good old flip flops

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me and my friend ( me on the left )

me on the right

my best friend and i

my friend cecy and i

me and my friend


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