
Sep 15, 2003 16:06

so i made this livejournal almost 3 years ago. it's amazing, also kinda upsetting, how popular it became, and how many fucking people got one. but i'm in thought as of now, as of whether to continue this journal with my livejournal friends, or to retire ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

ramona_cat September 15 2003, 14:54:56 UTC
i think you should keep it cause i miss you tons and this is the only way i can keep in touch for now. but today i start driving school! well take care.
but of course the decisoin should be up to you :)


oh my jatziri!!! poparatzeye September 15 2003, 16:04:35 UTC
i miss you girl! i talk about you so friggin much to emanuel! you have NO IDEA how close he lives to you! we are definitely going to hang out one of these days, and i know you'll love emanuel ^_^.

fuck yeah! driving school! i really need to be in that ho to, but no tengo dinero :(. what kind of car you getting missy?


lots of love!


oh my lauren!!! ramona_cat September 16 2003, 20:27:25 UTC
man its been such a long time! i can't wait till lee gets his car. and i know you'll like lee too i hope.... i don't know what car im getting yet cause i dont get my licens till march or april so ill worry about that later!
well take care lauren!


mysterieux September 16 2003, 11:09:22 UTC

Keep it! Keep it!

But without the bitchass lj friends who talk smack and shit.


Miss ya hun. <3


naked_boy_cult September 18 2003, 22:02:00 UTC
hope my style don't cause you fear,
matter of fact baby where you goin from here?

i say, do what ever you want. it's your life, you choose. don't let others opinions/actions effect what you want to do.

keep it or lose it, either way i have a phone with a number that you know and you can use it when you need to.


david ma-gerbil-nuts!!! (i don't know how to spell your last name :( ) poparatzeye September 19 2003, 09:00:56 UTC
it's a true story. i think i may keep it, but probably not update that much.

one of these days, i'm going to call your punk ass, and we're going to do something.

maybe skip and go eat with rosemary again or something.

i miss you david, you're super cool ^_^ and you know how to keep it crunk.


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