So apparently in Action Comics #900, Superman renounces his American citizenship.
The Wired Story:
So much for "fighting for truth, justice and the American way". Yet another American symbol of strength and freedom falls to political correctness and the liberal progressive views of "American un-acceptionalism"
I guess we need to start checking our apple pies now to make sure they don't offend Muslims...
DC you are a disgrace...why don't you take your left-wing-socialist, anti-God, anti-American PC comics and move to Europe or better yet China. Been reading DC comics on and off for about 50 years but no more go take your crap writers across the border where you belong. You do not reflect America or our way of life but the UN socialist utopia the commie left dreams about. WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER OF YOUR CRAP COMICS AGAIN.
"it’s refreshing to see an alien refugee tell the United States that it’s as important to him as any other country on Earth," yeah--I'm sure it's refreshing to you if you're not from the United States, or are a self-hating liberal.
Shame on you for equating every other country on the planet with the USA. I grew up reading Superman comics. I have a sculpture on my piano -- a copy of an old comic cover showing Superman with an eagle on his shoulder standing in front of an American flag shield. And now you're going to make Superman ASHAMED of America? Are you people nuts?
Yes, it's just a comic, but Superman, since the 1940s, has been an American icon to kids the world over. A comic in itself is not all that big a deal, but you're talking about making some anti-American statement coming from a character that has been identified with America since World War Two? Superman is a part of American culture. This is just shameful. That's the end of DC comics for me. Lemme guess, Batman's next.
Somebody needs to take Superman's creative production side back from the misguided Commie children who are destroying his character. Crap writing. Crap PC heresy.
So basically, Hollywood LibCommies have once again taken it upon themselves to destroy another all-American icon, and turn him into a treasonous Lib.
Have they no shame?
The good Senator Joe McCarthy has been fully vindicated. He never knew just how right he was...
The real "Death of Superman" has finally come. Perry White is no longer allowed to say "and the American Way", and now Superman himself is being written away from his wholesome Mid-Western American roots. Martha and Jonathan must be rolling over in their neatly drawn graves (or crying in their milk, depending on which time line we're talking about).
I'll puke when Supie changes his colors to the United Nations ( white on a blue background) and then sits around watching while people under his protection are being slaughtered, say, that would make an interesting and realistic story arc, ehh? "But Superman, you must renounce violence so that the aliens understand that we are a peaceful people". BOOM {intra stellar annihilation}
Its unfortunate that Superman comics are now being written by basement dwelling bed-wetters who feel the need to inject their own half-baked politics into everything. The ideals that Superman represented in 1938 and for most of the 20th century have been so corrupted that as a character, he is hardly recognizable. Scott Thill says "Superman has always been bigger that the United States." Bull. Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created Superman as a representation of the United States. Unfortunately, patriotism isn't cool with a certain segment of the population.
When Superman is pro-American defending justice during World War II, you call it "propaganda". When these new ultra-liberal progressive writers bastardize this American icon, then all of a sudden, THAT agenda is seen by you America-haters a "cutting edge savvy", right??
...and in the next issue, George Soros makes an appearance as his new mentor.
Superman is dead. The American people have to save themselves now.
Let's see you ungrateful bastards give up your own citizenship. Easy to say, yes? You pansies disgust me--you're a disgrace to honest, hard-working pansies.
This was written by communist bastards! Hope they all burn in nazi hell.
It's official: Superman has jumped the shark.
And to clue in the clueless: "Jumping The Shark" does not mean something is old, outdated, or unpopular. It means that the main character has betrayed his own identity. Superman joining protests and renouncing his US "citizenship" (don't know he was a US citizen to begin with - I thought that was Clark Kent)? Really?!? Instead of just stringing up Ahmadinejad by his balls? Please.
The guys who wrote this lame excuse for a Superman comic don't even deserve a job writing tasteless "fat lady on the beach" greeting cards sold in tourist gift shops.
well there went the Hollywood reboot.
/what was Marvell thinking ;)
Let me get this straight: for, literally, decades nobody cared and suddenly a bunch of sissies is worried that Superman being an American could offend someone? Seriously?
I'm suddenly glad I never liked him and never read the comics. Batman all the way. But even Batman has been sissified by now. RIP superheores of old.
Do we need more proof that America is being eaten from within by a cancer that invaded from without? Superman has never been "bigger than the United States". He is a work of fiction that was supposed to embody the best ideals of American life. Basically, liberty for all, even to the weakest among us. There was never any prejudice or pretense in Superman. As I grew up, there was never anything that could not be shown to the youngest fan of Superman. Today's super hero bears no resemblance. RIP
It doesn't even make sense. If Superman's actions are good ones, why *wouldn't* he want to be seen as an instrument of the country he loves? Perhaps the folks at DC don't love their country.
The American Way fights for Liberty, including freedom from government intrusion into my family's personal economic affairs. It's Barack Hussein Obama's evil, Un-American appeasement of the Anti-American, Anti-Christian Muslim leaders of Iran and Obama's Un-American attacks on capitalism and the free market that the Superman comics should attack!
The American Way fights for Liberty, including freedom from government intrusion into my family's personal economic affairs. It's Barack Hussein Obama's evil, Un-American appeasement of the Anti-American, Anti-Christian Muslim leaders of Iran and Obama's Un-American attacks on capitalism and the free market that the Superman comics should attack!
If he is no longer American, then he should not wear our colors.
Just one more example of how liberals are destroying this country! Soon, whites will be in chains and called evil simply by being white and the liberals will rejoice in that too. Unfortunately for them, there won't be anyone left to produce for them once they disable all the producers and they will starve waiting for handouts they all think they are entitled to receive. Just ask Mugabe in Zimbabwe how well it worked to kill and/or displace all his producers. That country used to feed most of Africa... now they are begging for food and starving along with everyone else. North Korea, Cuba, and Venzeula are another examples of wise leadership. Yes, whites are evil, the US is evil, and the world will starve without us evil folks! Like I care any longer!
boycott superman they are playing with the obama birth certificate issue to make sales I love superman and superman stands for truth justice and the american way far back as I can remember and I don't want it any other way' GOD BLES THE USA' The men who started this country and the ones who fought and died and the ones who are still fighting to protect us and this great country are the real heroes. everybody needs to pay attention to what is happening to our country they are training us for a one world order one day we all will wake up homeless. I was born american and I will die american. In my opinion so would superman Lets all stand for truth justice and the american way!
And a voice of reason:
It's a comic book.