Back to Memphis with more excellence.
review of Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz's second poetry collection,
HOT TEEN SLUT, is now available at
The Legendary for your delectation. I think HTS is a fantastic collection. If that title intrigues, horrifies or gobsmacks you, you can find out why I think it's so damn good
by reading the review.
thegreenyear's "
Wrap is Poetry" project continues, with more hot pieces going up daily. If you missed
my last post about it, here's the skinny: Ashley Full Stop Brown makes wire-wrap jewelry based out of poetry by me,
yuki_onna (Catherynne M. Valente), and
tithenai (Amal El-Mohtar), as well as lyrics by
s00j (S.J. Tucker) and Bekah Kelso. Most pieces come with some kind of extra poetic or musical goodie with purchase. New stuff going up daily, so
go check it out and signal boost it to your friends.
I'm taking a couple of days off to meditate and relax. Tell me what you're up to in comments.