*insert witty comment here*

Jun 22, 2004 10:26

Well, it's been a few days again.. so I'm gonna break the days up, and offer a link to each event/day rather than just slam everyone with one really big recap of the weekend and my Monday.. lol..


You know, I don't like having to get out of bed early on weekdays.. pre-6AM just doesn't agree with my body, and it lets me know every single damn morning.. lol.. but getting up at 8AM on a Saturday, well.. that's just so very wrong.. even if it is for a tournament. :)

Got out to Red Deer a little after 12 or so.. game time was 12:30, so I had a little bit of time to get everything on, hang out with the guys, talk strategy after walking by the other team and taking mental notes and whatnot.. got on the field, got warmed up, and it was game on! :) T'was a good game..we had a 1-0 lead at half time and extended that to 2-0 early in the 2nd half after I picked up the ball and launched it down the field as requested by my coach.. just boot it at the net, he says.. so I do.. the striker (forward) on the right side blazed by everyone and popped it in the top corner.. then things kinda started coming apart for me.. I took a goal kick and for whatever reason my calf muscle felt like it just exploded as I made contact with the ball.. couldn't walk, couldn't run.. couldn't do much of anything but stand there and watch the ball go up the field.. first chance I got, I told my D and they said that they'd keep it in mind.. shortly thereafter, Scott passed it back to me, but it was way out in the corner, and Scott didn't follow his pass, so I was left to beat their forward to the ball, on a bad leg.. lol.. so off I hobble as fast as I can.. 30 yard run from hell, then I had to beat two players to get rid of the ball to one of my guys, he misses it, goes right to the other team, and I'm nowhere near the net, so back I go, they shoot, and they managed to put it practically right into my hands as I was diving back.. pure luck, but we won't tell the other team that. ;) Although they did manage to put one by me, we did win the first game 2-1.. so we were off to a good start. :)

Second game.. 7:00PM.. different story.. very young team from Edmonton, U-18.. all 16 and 17 year olds.. fairly small bunch of kids, but extremely quick.. after a few minutes of getting the feel for how they played, we opened up and started scoring.. I'll spare you the details, but we won 15-0.. hardly any work for me to do that game, which is good, cuz my leg was bloody killing me by this time..

Drove home Saturday night after a small tailgate party in the parking lot after the game.. drove alongside a thunderstorm for a while, that was neat to watch bubble up on the horizon and blaze across behind me as I was driving along.. :) Got home, set the alarm, and just outright crashed..struggled with the alarm for a while, put all my gear together, and was gone at 9:00 for my 11AM game..


With my leg still not anywhere near 100%, this was going to be one tough game for me.. win this game, we are off to the finals, lose, and we await our fate to see if we play for third or not.. Facing 3 former Croatian national team players made for one hell of a game for myself and my D.. I assigned each of my 3 defenders to one of the former pros and between some fingertip type saves of the acrobatic kind, and my D playing their hearts out to try to keep them guessing.. not one of them managed a goal, unfortunately, our midfielders didn't come back to help a few times, and that's when it got rough.. some nice shots on their part, and a couple of clear cut breakaways later.. and we lose 6-2.. So we played for third spot.. and lost 3-2 in a real barn burner of a game.. so.. in the end.. out of about 128 teams.. we landed fourth in this tournament.. respectable finish for a group of guys who spent nearly $1,600 in alcohol on Saturday night.. *laughs*

Sunday Night - The Foot Speaks!

Got home earlier than I expected on Sunday.. in time to watch my Stamps beat the green Riders 33-10.. kicked back, relaxed, had dinner, watched some TV.. and decided that it was time.. time for the foot to do some stomping.. *grins* Went downstairs, started labeling my CAT5e wiring for the LAN I installed while my place was being built 2 years ago, was wandering around with a computer under my arm turning it on and off while hooking it up to the network so I'd know which wire led to which outlet in the house.. lol.. all the while staring at the boy's computer, sitting there.. calling to me.. so the foot spoke.. I took his computer, and packed it.. 4% in Social. 7% in English. No effort whatsoever towards school this year, why should he be free to use it all summer long too? I didn't think anyone would argue that point.. ;) So packy packy, it's all gone.. she's upstairs and figures I'm just doing my wiring thing, and he's out, has been since Thursday, so.. no big deal there.. take the 'puter and put it on the far side of the garage behind her car so that nobody can see it. lol.. I'm such a bitch.. finished up with my wiring, and put a desk together for my switch and server to sit on.. as well as for my little workstation that I'm trying to piece together down there so that I have a place to work on computers when people need me to fix / build systems for them..

Oh, if you've been reading this journal, you'll remember that the boy had a massive hissy-fit over the fact I wouldn't lend him a battery out of my digital camera for his mini-disc player.. well, the little prick went and helped himself to a battery before the tournament, so when the batteries in the camera died, there were only three batteries to replace the four in the camera.. I was *PISSED*, needless to say..

That about wraps up Sunday...

Monday... the worm turns..

I get in to work on Monday morning.. and I.. *gasp* didn't write an email to Jo the moment I sat down and turned the 'puter on.. and she got all bent out of shape over how I didn't write to her until 8:30 and she had been sitting there waiting since 7:20 for me to write.. blah blah blah.. so she's going on about how things that are important to her don't matter to me and that I don't care about her feelings and yadda yadda.. I dunno. That was my whole lunch hour was arguing back and forth over that, among other things, so now she's upset all afternoon, as always..*rolls eyes*

Here's where things start getting fun.. the boy, and her.. both are utterly clueless as to the fact that the boy's computer has been packed up, despite it being nearly 24 hours since I did it.. *snickering* We get back home and the boy comes TEARING out of the house in a total fit screaming at us.. "What the fuck did *I* do that made you guys want to ruin my fucking life?!?!?" Me: "Well, hello, Jason.. Good to see you too.." *said with totally straight face* :) I'm such a bitch.. oh.. wait.. I said that already. :D

Of course, she's all freaked out like.. what the hell are you talking about? Then they get smart and put two and two together and come up with something like 318 and realize that *I* packed the computer.. once they figured that out, I just rather quaintly explained to shit head that it wasn't so much what he did, as opposed to what he didn't do, as I had told him that I'm not paying for him to have a computer for a year if he's gonna tank his school year.. I cut a deal with him on New Year's Eve that he agreed to (of course).. he never held up his end of the bargain, and I said when I paid for the year that if he didn't put forth the effort, I'm taking it, he agreed.. and now I've taken it.. well.. that didn't sit well with either of them.. he had a fit and went downstairs.. and SHE had a fit on ME, saying that I should have discussed this with her first and blah blah blah.. so what.. she would have said "no no no, he's been so good around here.. *insert varying excuses here* so let's just leave it alone".. Sorry, not this time..

There was one point where the boy was downstairs and she was sitting on the couch and she flat out told me that the only way she saw to deal with this was to call the Police, have them come out, have them there while the two of them packed and found somewhere else to be.. The only thing I said to that was.. "Why do you need the police to do that!?" with a bit of a chuckle.. she didn't get it, and proceeded to explain why.. like I cared or something..

In the end, he was accepting of his computer's fate, he seemed okay with it when he realized that I hadn't wiped out the contents of the hard drive and whatnot.. the computer's gone, that's it.. she's more pissy than he is over this 'cuz I didn't talk to her about it and I just went and did it without 'consulting' her and whatever the hell else she said.. I pretty much tuned out at this point and started watching TV.. lol. :D

After dinner party....

Dinner comes, dinner goes.. sloppy joes were the special today.. not much money to go around right now given that they've now 3 for 3 in screwing up my last series of pays.. *grumbling*.. so the fridge is fairly empty.. lol..

Got bored, went out on the back balcony to just take in the view, the sunset.. clear my mind, basically staring into the western sky.. a nice bank of clouds to the NW resembling the beginnings of a thunderstorm.. after watching it for a while, I decided the cloud formation was pretty cool and broke out the digital camera, with all the FULLY CHARGED batteries. :) Took a few pics and decided it wasn't spectacular enough, so I threw the movie Twister in the VCR and watched that for about 40 minutes while the storm built up..

After snapping some pics of the clouds I decided to try to get some lightning.. that shit's tricky to catch when you can't control how long the shutter's open for.. stupid digital camera, I'll have to set it up for a 16 second exposure, if I can figure out how.. that'll get me going with some awesome lightning pics.. even though I got no strikes, I got some great pics of the storm that blew in last night.. then I got caught outside in the dust storm before the rain fell.. lmao.. a sudden gust of wind with some windows in the house that were still open managed to suck the balcony door shut tight enough that I couldn't open it, I actually thought someone had locked me out.. they claim they didn't, but they were also standing right by the door, too, so.. who knows. :) Anyways... wind gusts right up around 120km/hr (that's around 75MPH, Sara.. lol) kicked up one hell of a dust storm.. some of which I tried to get with pics, but it was hard, everything was shaking and most pics got blurred during the long low-light exposures, so.. only got one or two half decent pictures of the dust, but I got a ton of the amazing cloud formations.. I'll share as soon as I get them from my system at home. :)

*nods* Yeah.. that's been the past few days.. the whole computer episode wasn't quite as dramatic on his part as I thought it was going to be, and a whole lot more dramatic on HER part than I was expecting.. she was still threatening to pack up and go elsewhere over this.. to which my general reaction was.. "Yeah.. and?" so.. lol.. :)

I'll prob'ly post more later, I need to get some rasterizing done here so I can put this PO to bed and get going with my cross-referencing.. only 7,500 documents to go! *groan*

D. :)
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