Spoilers for the existence of characters that your mom might not know about if she is anything like my mom.
-We have reached the point at which watching SV alongside someone with no knowledge whatsoever of Supes canon is hard. And I don't really have that much knowledge at all, but I sure know who Mercy and Doomsday are, which means that my mom and I are basically watching different shows. (Occasionally amusing, though, as when I had to explain to my mother that the Green Arrow origin story is not in any way derived from Lost...although I have to concede THAT would make an awesome crossover. Which must already exist.)
-Speaaaaking of Davis, I like him. I get that the show has done betrayed-by-a-friend (and its reverse, kind of), but Lex always seemed vaguely fascinated by his own downfall (which he wouldn't consider one anyway). With Davis, so far, there's an appropriate level of horror (for which the actor they cast has a great look). Although I will never get over the fact that his entire character set-up is "lone EMT." Hello? In our backwards era of vehicles that don't drive themselves, this is not how ambulances work.
-It really is a sin that it took seven seasons before we could get Clark/TW out of plaid. A sin...or a reward for persistence.
-Okay, what in the world happened to Gabe? I realize that SV has slowly eliminated all grown-ups, but the other ones still get mentioned. Committed is the umpteenth time the show has outright ignored/forgotten that Chloe has a deeply devoted dad.
-Committed was also a full half-season too early to stick Lois and Clark in a unilateral forced confession plot. Awk-ward.
-I like that Ollie is actually behaving like the Oliver Queen I know and love, i.e., with foibles in-tact. ("*You* should be proactively helping people all the time or you're a waste of air. *I*, on the other hand, need to abandon my role to carouse manfully the minute I'm having a crisis in my personal life. Also, because I disliked your keeping information from me, I will now discuss Chloe with you behind Chloe's back. Ciao, bello!") It makes sense to me, but it's kind of a...brave (possibly unintentional!) choice, given that I have to conclude that the main reason Green Arrow became a regular versus any number of other choices is that Justin Hartley is just...darned adorable.
-For whatever reason, I can't get with Chloe Sullivan, UnLicensed Social Worker. I don't even know why. Usually I love characters sloughing off their apparently destined careers, especially when they also put a BFF on track to replace them in their original path. (See also: Jake and Nog on Deep Space 9; my actual life.) Plus, Chloe's transition from investigating freaks to helping meta-humans should be a great arc. It probably is a great arc. I'm just not feeling it. Maybe because it made Clark and Chloe fight, and I cannot deal. CANNOT DEAL.
-I can and do get with Chloe and Jimmy as totally sweet together and not without chemistry...yet clearly, mutually self-deluded on their level of MFEO-ness.
-Zone-hardened Kara was great. I love how she comes back to Earth and is all, "Through painful experience I have come to deep insights. But first: yay, my curling iron!"
-The end of Bloodline has me completely confuzzled. Clark won't rebuild the fortress with the hopeless diamond because of "what it did" to him and Lois? By which I guess he means how it sent him to rescue his cousin from a miserable existence trapped in the Phantom Zone? And then brought them all back to Earth? Dude. Also: how, exactly, was Clark going to help Kara search for Kandor? I guess she could carry him through the stars, but I'm not sure how he'd feel about that, or how it would help the cause.