I was wondering what I would write in my LJ, but I'll update my LJ to post my latest collection of course about NEWS
Sakura Girl cover front Sakura Girl back
I actually didn't intend to buy but there are friends who sell at low prices, whereas if I pre-order in an online shop is very expensive so I decided to buy it, hehe lucky me XD
Yamapi no clear file (Winter Party Diamond) front Yamapi no clear file (Winter Party Diamond) back
I bought it because I gets 50% discount on the price of online shop, actually I also never wear it LOL but I love collecting about NEWS and Yamapi XD
Yamapi no uchiwa (Winter Party Diamond)
Tegoshi no uchiwa (Winter Party Diamond)
now I'm waiting One in a Million release, I have already ordered single One in a Million LE type B, impatient to wait for release date, love you Yamapi ♥
some poster in my room, I get from several magazine in Indonesia and Japanese magazine LOL