Title: Cruel Coincidence
poppedeggplant Pairing: akame
Rating: PG
Genre: angst
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys
Summary: It was Kazuya against Jin’s dreams. Somehow it’s an unspoken defeat.
A/N: My first fic in months! Exams totally screwed the fic-writing part of my mind. Hehe so be nice when commenting XD
It was fate. The way they met, it was fate.
They were convinced that it was. They were convinced that it was enough of a reason to try to stay together, to fight.
An accidental bump at some hallway at their campus, books flying everywhere and a brief look into each other’s eyes. It was like something out of a chick flick or a fantasized daydream. And like any of those, love did blossom… only to be met with a disapproving narrow-minded society who could not believe in plain attraction, love, bonds and whatnot.
But it was okay for them. They held onto each other. They were the other’s protection, a safety net to fall back into after being pushed too hard.
What was love anyway, without its trials?
So they stayed together. Even if the world was against them, they stayed. Even if no one approved of them and even if they were abandoned and deserted, they still stuck to each other.
They only have each other.
What was love anyway, without its challenges?
So they convinced themselves that being together was enough. Having the other was enough.
Such lies.
They were young and they were wrong.
They had their lives before them. They had dreams. Dreams they threw away to be with other. They ruined each other, destroyed their futures.
And it only takes one to doubt to bring the both of them down.
It started with Jin. It always does, Kazuya realized. Jin was always the insecure one. The one who was never a hundred percent sure. The one who always needed reassurance.
And usually Kazuya would give that to him. But now it seems that Kazuya wasn’t enough and Jin’s faith in them was getting weaker.
They were seeing lesser and lesser of each other. Jin would return home in the dead of the night, too drunk to do anything but pass out on their bed. And Kazuya would just lie there next to him, fingers toying gently with Jin’s hair, wondering what went wrong.
In truth, Kazuya was afraid. Very afraid. Jin was always the first one to crack under pressure. And Kazuya knew that if Jin wanted to be accepted and chase his dreams, he’ll leave Kazuya soon enough.
And Kazuya did not want to be left alone. He did not have anyone but Jin. He gave up everything for Jin.
And if Jin left, then it will destroy Kazuya. Break him into tiny little pieces till it would be impossible to put them back together.
No, Kazuya did not want that. The fingers that were once only fiddling with Jin’s hair had turned into a grip. It tightened as he sank deeper into his fear of loneliness.
Don’t leave me.
Please, don’t.
But silent pleas can’t be heard.
It was Kazuya against Jin’s dreams. It was Kazuya against the world.
And it doesn’t take much for Kazuya to realize that he will never be enough for Jin. Not now, not ever.
So when he woke up to an empty bed yet again the next day, he knew he needed to go.
Leave before Jin leaves. Leave before he says it’s over. Break his heart before he breaks yours. It’ll hurt less that way, Kazuya thought.
But it had still hurt when he left what was once their apartment. And as he walked, he broke apart anyway. Tiny pieces of him fell; leaving a trail of what could have either been happiness or despair.
It wasn’t fate. The way they met, it wasn’t fate.
Just a cruel coincidence.
A/N2: Ah this one feels kind of weird. Ugh I feel like I've lost my mojo or something >_< anyway, comment and let me know what you think of this please :))