Title:Knock at the Door, Murder in the Night
pandorabluType: Murder Mystery/Romance AU
Word Count:~16500
Rating:R (for language mostly)
Characters/Pairings:Kris Allen/Adam Lambert, hints of past Kris/Katy, Kris/Cale Mills, other characters: Andrew De Roberts, Matt Giraud, Allison Iraheta, Brad Bell, Michael Sarver, Anoop Desai, Ryan Seacrest, hints of others
Warnings: minor character death. Not a lot of sex (sorry)
Disclaimer: Complete and utter fiction.
Summary:Rock star Kris Allen is looking for his stolen guitar. Private Investigator Adam Lambert says he can find it. But when someone is murdered, and the guitar is involved, things get complicated. Add in attraction, and the mix could be more than deadly.
Author's Notes Whatever you expect when you read the words murder mystery, this is not it. There is a mystery and a murder, and handcuffs, but this is most certainly not typical of the genre. Also I have no clue as the allergies referenced in part two. I just made that up.
Thanks to Special thanks to
risti and
pricelessone who first suggested a murder mystery and then volunteered me. Thanks to
kissoffools who AIM'ed me through the 'who' in the whodunit. Again thank you to risti for early cheerleading. Thanks to
heathersryr09 for the information on Cale. Ditto
rockkstar135 for Matt. EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS: to
bubby_wubby and
nannerz2cool for being my betas. I added a couple of scenes after they looked at it, so those mistakes are mine
One last thanks to every single person who listened to me bitch/moan and complain about the title of the fic. I won't say that just one person inspired it, but thanks to everyone for their help. (But
amproof and
diane_mckay probably tipped the scales. Bless you)
pandorablu words escape me. When I realized you got my art, it helped guilt trip me into finishing (otherwise I could never show my face in kradio again) and then seeing it develop! I love love love love love it. You didn't do good, you did great! GO COMMENT ON IT!
Special shout out to kradio who bore the brunt of my whining and angst.
Link to part one:
HERELink to art master post: