"Real life", attempt number: lost count
I've been here before.
One of the realizations I have had is that my social life tended to revolve around school. Most, if not all of my friendships sprang from the fact I saw the same people five days a week, with multiple hours for those who were in the same extracurriculars. This extended into college.
Time and space (and the military child's knowledge that everyone leaves anyway) let most of those people now.
Cue loneliness, confusion, and the inability to know how to even start again. Add in my eventual wants of family of my own combined with complete lack of dating experience and disaster.
Over the years I've discussed how to build a "real life" again.
I've been here before.
One option has been online dating. I've done the three main sites: eharmony, match and okcupid with mixed results.
I've been thinking of starting again.
Deep down I know the only person who can change my life is me, but when I resist the change and let it pass me by, I come back to the beginning, with the added weight of the previous attempt.
This time I'm also thinking of actually starting to develop one of my many ideas on how to keep myself writing.
I've been here before.
I don't know how successful I'll be, but I have to try again.
I've been here before, but maybe the next time, I'll have something new to say.