Middle of Nowhere - Chapter 15

Jun 27, 2008 21:17

Title: Middle of Nowhere
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They were created by Annie Proulx. I make no money from this and don't want to.
Rating: NC-17
Thanks: To Em (smilesalot) for all your help and support, and a quick turn around of this chapter for a very special reason.  Thank you so much for that. 
Feedback: Oh yes please!! I ( Read more... )

poppyhoney_67, au!au, bbm, middle of nowhere

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Comments 76

rosiet June 28 2008, 18:49:11 UTC
Christie!!! THANK YOU!!!! A chapter of this wonderful story for me? YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm being spoilt ( ... )


poppyhoney_67 June 29 2008, 21:37:57 UTC
Hi Rosie, thanks for your comment and I'm glad that you liked the chapter that was for your birthday. You are so right with everything you say about how things are with Jack and Ennis, its all misunderstandings and confusion, because they are not talking, and when they do have time alone, they dont want to talk about it, because its so precious...its really difficult. I have to stay zipped about the t-shirt but all will be revealed in the next but one chapter....stay tuned...Thanks for reading and for your constant support. xx


landofthedragon June 28 2008, 19:46:12 UTC
i think I touched on what would happen between them when they returned home or if they'd even thought about it in the last chapter. Because to me they really just seem to be living in the moment and now that reality has struck home throwing with it jealousy and confusion into the mix suddenly it's crunch time. It doesn't help that they have to hide their relationship add to that the frustration of being young and desperately in love with little or no way to consummate it. It has to be a time bomb waiting to go off it's starting with the doubts creeping in causing cracks to appear before the relationship has really had a chance to develope. I know I'm being a little to philosophical here what I'm trying to say is you nailed it all the little details the nagging doubts made it all the more realistic. You definitely understand and write human emotion really well and the way the story has opened out and is developing is really great. I do wonder what will happen next and see little remnents of BB with Jack driving Ennis home all I can say ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

landofthedragon June 28 2008, 22:26:32 UTC
Thank you so much it's great to find there are so many fans of this film. I really appreciate you telling me this I've checked it out it looks great.

Hugs L


poppyhoney_67 June 29 2008, 21:41:32 UTC
Hi Lesley, wow thanks for such a great comment....certainly lots to think about. I'm so glad the development of the chapter and all it entailed worked for you, I was worried about that. I've spent too long just thinking about the hot loving between Ennis and Jack but that cant sustain their relationship, RL gets in the way. I liked you being philosophical, it was great to read....and you got it all spot on. Thanks so much for the lovely compliments, that made my day.

Oh and Shelter...god, I've watched it many many times....and I love it each time. Not watched it for a bit now, been very busy but plan a nice viewing of it this week.....


grlewis June 28 2008, 20:38:24 UTC
oh no, too many not so nice things at once. jack and ennis both feeling isolated, than carrie and then ke and, oh lordy, alma. what are they gonna do? and now you're talking about what they are going to do when camp is over. this chapter has left me feeling a bit melancholy. i'm wondering how, or if, this story can have a happilly ever after ending, i like those a lot......


poppyhoney_67 June 29 2008, 21:44:57 UTC
Hi grlewis, thanks for your comment, I'm very sorry that I've thrown so many things at you at once, but thats just the way things are happening, sadly....and believe me, I do not want camp to end either....the thought of it makes me sad too. Thanks for reading.


tanzmaeusi June 28 2008, 20:41:41 UTC
Oh, that development was unexpected, at least for me; after the wonderful and special time they had on Jack´s birthday, I thought they would feel safer and more reassured with each other´s feelings and that it would be easier now to overcome their busy schedule and the lack of alone-time. But the insecurities, the jealousy and the missunderstandings came back very quickly and I hope that they will have the time, room and resolve to talk about the issues before they drift even further apart. I´m really feeling with them, it´s especially hard to see these two sweet and caring souls suffering.
Thank you so much for writing and sharing this wonderful story,
have a nice and relaxed sunday,


poppyhoney_67 June 29 2008, 22:55:01 UTC
Hi Claudia, thanks for your comment, I know, life can be hard, and its certainly hard for Ennis and Jack right now....things will get better though, I promise. Thanks for reading.


ramona4jake June 28 2008, 20:53:53 UTC
I was wondering if everything is that good between them ?.... And I was asking myself same question as Meli: what will they do after camp ? Maybe it's better that this happened now, maybe they will sort some things out !
Thanx for the up-date, cannot wait for the next one !


poppyhoney_67 June 29 2008, 22:57:10 UTC
hi ramona, yeah, its worrying to think of all the things they need to talk about and mainly about life after camp, but its sad because they dont want to. Thanks for reading.


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