A very long personal meme (with some silly questions) stolen from
rot_chan .
Spell your name out in songs:
P: “Pajama Party” - Super Junior H
A: “Another Travelin’ Song” - Bright Eyes
U: “Under Pressure” - Queen
L: “La Vie Boheme” - Rent
I: “I Will Follow You Into the Dark” - Death Cab for Cutie
N: “NUMBER SIX” - alice nine.
E: “Exo-Politics” - Muse
- Name: Pauline
- Birth date: Oct. 27
- Nickname: Pops, Poppy, Paul
- Eye Color: Hazel
- Hair Color: Very dark brown.
- Zodiac Sign: Goat/Scorpio
- The shoes you wore today: Silver metallic flats.
- Your weakness(es): Quick temper, bluntness, pastries (or food in general)
- Your fear(s): Failing
- Your perfect pizza: Homemade crust, garlic aioli, caramelized onions, old cheddar cheese, any type of meat, XD
- Goal you’d like to achieve: Get into Med School in 3 years.
- Your best physical feature?: My eyes, I suppose.
- Your bedtime?: Depends. Between 10:00pm-12:00am
- Most missed memory?: Being a crazy elementary kid.
This Or That...
- Pepsi or Coke?: Doesn’t matter, really. But if I had to choose, I’d say Pepsi.
- McDonald’s or Burger King: Guh. Don’t really like either but McDonalds has McFlurries.
- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea.
- Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla- real vanilla.
- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.
Do You...
- Curse: Fuck, yes.
- Sing: Yes- but not on stage AHA.
- Dance: I did Jazz and Ballet when I was a kid, but since then just club dancing, which is epic amounts of fun.
- Take a shower everyday: Yes. Def.
- Have a crush: Not at the moment.
- Do you think you’ve been in love?: No.
- Want to go to college: Am in university.
- Like(d) high school: Yes, lol. So many good times.
- Want to get married: Very much so.
- Get motion sickness: Sometimes in the car if I read.
- Think you’re attractive: I think so? To my own eyes, at least. I’m ok with my appearance.
- Think you’re a health freak: To an extent. I’m no vegetarian/all organic freak.
- Get along with your parents: Most of the time with my mom. It’s kind of shaky with my father, atm.
In the past month...
- Gone to the mall: Yesyes, though I haven’t bought anything. AHAHA.
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Split with my brother while watching Blackhawk Down four years ago…. But not in the last month. XD.
- Eaten Sushi: YES. MMM. <3
- Been on stage: No.
- Gone skating: I am Canadian, but it’s also the summer- so, no. XD
- Made homemade cookies: Not in the past month, though I’ve made a couple of cakes.
- Gone skinny dipping: AHAHA. Not this month. Haven’t had the chance, unfortunately.
- Stolen anything: No.
- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Lol. Yes.
- If so, was it mixed company: I don’t think so.
- Flashed anyone: Haha. Yeah....
- Been beaten up: Fuck that.
- Shoplifted: Nope. Not worth it.
- Age you hope to be married: 30, I guess. But I’m flexible, XDDD
- Number of Children: 2
- Describe your Dream Wedding: Sunny, amazing food, comfortable but awesome dress, a beautiful location.
In a boyfriend/girlfriend...
- Best eye color?: Bright blue.
- Best hair color?: Black or dark brown.
- Short hair or long hair?: As long as it looks good, I don’t care.
- Height: Taller than me. Preferably close to 6”.
- Number of people I could trust with my life: 5.
- Number of CDs that I own: Hm…. 20, I think.
- Number of tattoos: None at the moment, though I don’t think I’d ever get more than one.
- Number of piercings: 8. In my ears.
Who were you with yesterday?: My mom, Kaitlin and Martin.
What woke you up this morning?: My circadian clock. XD.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day?: IT IS.
Do you like anybody?: … Romantically or in general?? Romantically: not at the moment.
Ever thrown up in public?: AHAHA. No.
What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW?: Hungryyyy.
What kind of home would you like?: A big farm in the country. Two horses. One dog. A big kitchen and huge library.
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Something medical. Plastic Surgeon, maybe.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?: In med school, hopefully. :P
Do you like candy necklaces?: They’re ok.
When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?: The other day I tripped over my stupid dog who loves to lay in doorways.
Do you still go trick or treating?: I didn’t last year!!!! But I wish I did!
What was the last thing you ate? Croissant with cucumbers and cream cheese. P:
What's your favorite type of soda? Vanilla Coke.
Have you ever moved?: No.
Have you ever won an award?: A couple.
Are you listening to music right now? No.
How long till your birthday?: 4 months until I’m 19!! BONZAI!
When were you the saddest in your whole life?: A couple months ago.
What time is it?: 5:21 in the afternoon.
Do you use ebay to buy or sell?: Buy. Cosplay, doujinshi, anime…. The important stuff in life.
Ever heard a song written about you?: Lol, yes. The one mom made up for me when I was a baby.
Something you want to happen in 2010?: Get 90% in all my courses! BAHAHA.
Honestly, do you miss 2008?: 2008… Grade 11/12? … Yeah, a bit, lol. That’s the year we had our first party at our place. Gooooood times.
1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? Black, lolololol.
2. Honestly, what's on your mind?: Didn’t I already answer this? Right now, it’s how damn hot it is today.
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now?: Doing a meme that asks some dumb questions that should be obvious.
4. Honestly, have you done something bad today?: I don’t think so.
5. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone?: Becca.
6. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?: Nope.
7. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time?: Hunger. BAHAHAHA. I am a bitch when I’m hungry.
8. Honestly, do you bite your nails?: Ew, no. Never.
9. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder?: Used to. Not anymore, thankfully.
10. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment?: Yeah. My roomie ;_____; Not enough country in my life.
11. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now?: No.
12. Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like?: If I didn’t like them, they wouldn’t be my friend now would they?
13. Honestly, what was the last text message you received?: Something from Kaitlin about coming over today and watching Gossip Girl, lol.
14. Honestly, are you in denial?: About what?
15. Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night?: To pee.
17. Honestly, does anyone like you?: Romantically? I have no clue. Generally? Well, I fucking hope so, or else I’d be a pretty sad case, wouldn’t I?
1. What do you do when you’re mad?: Glare, raise my voice, say hurtful things.
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad?: Yelled at my father until I had a nervous breakdown. How embarrassing.
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?: A lot of people.
4. Do you swear when you’re mad?: Sometimes.
1. When was the last time you actually cried?: Two weeks ago.
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yep. It makes your eyes really puffy the next day.
3. Do certain songs make you cry?: If they’re really good, they cause shivers and some tears. But not crying in a sad way.
4. What usually makes you cry?: Frustration.
1. Are you usually a happy person?: I’d like to think so! It’s a waste to be negative all the time.
2. What makes you the happiest?: Having a good time with people I love. Wow. How cliche can I get?
3. What song makes you always happy?: Somebody To Love by Queen. XD.
4. Do you believe in yourself?: Yes.
5. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy?: Who wouldn’t? It’s a compliment.