Something...strange I came up with.
(The grammar is intended to sound weird, but it's possible it doesn't sound weird in the way I wanted it to.Just tell me if it's intolerable.)
250 words. A double drabble and a half?
He is sitting in the kitchen in front of an half-eaten bowl of cereal, when it all comes back to him.
The rush of emotions and images, the knowledge of all what had been and will be again sets him spinning.
The doorbell rings and he can't move, at first. It's as if reality would fall to pieces if he did, but he knows he has to.
When he's handed the package, he thinks, vaguely This is the day it happened, and that he'd all but forgotten the date.
He holds it in his hands and contemplates just throwing it away this time, nothing of this would happen, would happen to him, and he'll think of something to tell his father.
He's got the chance of a new life.
Only that it has to happen. Only that it all happened before, to him. He can't change that. The damage is done. He couldn't go back to how he was before, minutes ago, a lifetime ago, even if he tried.
He unwraps the package slowly, and when the ring lies before him, stares at it for a long time, holding it and tracing the glinting gold with one finger.
Maybe he can do it better this time. Maybe something will change after all. He knows what has happened, and so will he.
He takes a deep breath and drapes the ring around his neck again, thinking Welcome back as intensely as possible.
Maybe, someday there'll be more to this. It's actually got potential, but my inability to write something with plot stands in the way, I suppose.