Welp..everyone else has done it and Misha tagged me, soo~ Ta-daa!
A-Age You Act: Probably younger than I am, heheh..
B-Band: Oh gosh..umumm... *begins ranting off about her favorite bands*
C-Choice Of Meat: hmm, I like them all.
D-Dream Date: Somewhere fun and exciting, a place we'd both like.
E-Excites You: performing. *w*
F-Favorite Food: I can't pick. it's all good!
G-Greatest Gift: recognition *__*;;?
I-Internal conflicts: wow, that's personal~
J-Jealous: I try not to be.
K-Kool Aid: Yum!
L-Love: it's wonderful~ I wish I was in love
M-Most Valuable Thing You Own: my microphone.
N-Nicknames: don't have any.
O-Outfit I Love: all my gothic lolita outfits, my pink one especially!
P-Pizza Topping: pepperoni!
Q-Question I want to ask: will I become famous~ X3?
R-Roots: I was born in a place called Madril~
Sport to watch: I don't understand sports that much..
T-TV show: American Idol.
U-Unique habits: do I have any?
V-View from the window: the street! hello people!! :D
W-Weather I Love: sunny days with a slight breeze~
Y-Yesterday's best meal: Lunch was particularly delicious :d!
Z-Zodiac Sign: [ insert sign here ]
Current mood: cheerful, a little hungry. It's lunchtime~
Current taste: grape juice
Current hair: it's just like normal, reddish-orange..short.
Current clothes: my 'next big thing' baby tee and shorts.
Current annoyance: i'm hungry.
Current thing I ought to be doing: practicing.
Current windows open: this update window-ma-jig~
Current desktop picture: its simple and pink and purple.
Current favorite band: Didn't I already list them? *begins ranting again*
Current book: nothing XO;
Current cd in stereo: nothing. i've had the radio on.
Current crush: top secret!
Current favorite celeb: Umum..there are soo many. I think Uma Thurman is really neat though!
-Do I-
Smoke?: gross.
Do drugs?: even MORE gross
Have sex?: #o_o# n-not yet, no!
Give oral sex?: no
Receive oral sex?: also no
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: nah, my dreams are different each time
Remember your first love?: I remember my first crush..?
Still love him/her?: X3 yeah..but not like ..love love. he's my coach, afterall.
Read the newspaper?: Nahhh...
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Yup!
Believe in miracles?: yes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes. how romantic.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: unless they're really really mean, yeah.
Consider love a mistake?: No.
Like the taste of alcohol?: it's gross.
Have a favorite candy?: i don't have just *one* favorite..
Believe in astrology?: Kinda...
Believe in magic?: yea!
Believe in God?: I think so
Have any pets?: Rosalyn, my jigglypuff! Does she count?
Go to or plan to go to college?: I plan to, yeah.
any piercings?: nope..though I think maybe I'll pierce my ears..
Have any tattoos?: No.
Hate yourself: not unless I do something really stupid
Have an obsession?: no?
Have a secret crush?: if I told you it wouldn't be a secret!
Do they know yet?: my lips are sealed~!
Have a best friend?: Yeah!
Wish on stars?: Sometimes
Care about looks?: A little, but not much.
-Love Life-
First crush?: Coach... 9w9;
lingering feeling?: ..huh?
Single or attached?: well I'm single right now, if thats what you mean.
Ever been in love?: for real? don't think so
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Totally!
Do you believe in "the one?": Yeah!
Describe your ideal significant other: Someone funny and nice who knows how to have a good time. Someone who'd be supportive of my dreams would be nice, too..heeehee.
-Juicy Stuff-
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: no way o_o;
Have you ever been intoxicated?: don't think so.
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": no.
Are you a tease?: Maybe a bit?
Shy to make the first move?: a little..but I try not to be.
-Word Associations-
Fast: race
Freaky: ghosts
Rain: snow
Bite: chew
Fuck: excuse me!?
Blow: wind
Hair: Reddish-orange
Eyes: green.
Height: um lets see.. *attempts to measure herself* i'm not sure.
-Last thing you-
Bought: a cd
Watched on tv: The news.
Club or houseparty: Clubs!
Beer or cider: Cider, most definately.
Drinks or shots: Drinks.
Cats or dogs: both, but I like cats a little more.
Single or taken: single
Pen or pencil: Pencil, usually..unless its an erasable pen. Then those are okay,too.
Gloves or mittens: Mittens.
Food or candy: oohh..both please!
Cassette or CD: CD
Coke or pepsi: both are good
This or that: That!
-Who Do You Want To-
Kill: eep! nobody!
Get really wasted with: nobody o__o
Look like: Myself~!
Be like: Rosalyn! She's so brave and strong..
Avoid: Anybody mean!
-Last Person You-
Talked to: Naruto, I think?
Hugged: Misha~!
Instant messaged: Naruto.
Kissed: nobody..
-Where Do You-
Eat: home!
Cry: in my pillow.
Wish You Were: karaoke bar *__*
-Have You Ever-
Dated one of your best friends?: no
Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: no
Drank alcohol?: no way, gross!
Done drugs?: Nope
Broken the law?: don't think so o_o
Broken a bone?: no
Played truth or dare?: yup.
Kissed someone you didn't know?: No.
Been in a fight?: yeah.
Came close to dying?: no~
-What is-
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: Brittney Spears. One of her older CDs. Though that was before she got bad, so I guess it's nothing to be embaressed about..?
Your bedroom like?: its pink
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: yum, waffles and pancakes are really good. I liked scrambled eggs and bacon,too!
Your favorite restaurant?: I dunno...
-Random questions-
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: Ants on a log. Heehee ^^;
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: ummm..*ponder* I can't think of one :\
What is your biggest fear?: not becoming a teen idol ;___;!!! also..never finding true love. that'd be really bad too
What feature are you most insecure about?: my singing, I really hope I'm getting better
Do you ever have to beg?: Not usually, but sometimes..heh.
Are you a pyromaniac?: No.
Do you have too many love interests: No.
Crushes?: That's a secret!
Do you know anyone famous?: I know the great evil king! 83 does that count? He's famous!
Describe your bed: it's softtt @w@
Spontaneous or plain?: Spontaneous!
Do you know how to play poker?: Kind of, but I'd rather play go fish. I'm not that good at poker.
What do you carry with you at all times?: my microphone.
How do you drive?: since I don't know how, I'd probably drive really bad XP
What do you miss most about being little?: uhhh.... being able to get stuff alot easier. XD
Are you happy with your given name?: I think it's pretty~
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: a little bit. but not too much, I can always see my friends in person~
What is the color of your bedroom?: pink!
What was the last song you listened to?: Maeda Ai - Supergirl. Jpop is cool.
Do you like and believe in yourself?: Yeah! I'm great (lol).
Do poor or homeless people annoy you?: No way, they're really nice!
Do you consider yourself a nice person?: I think I am..
Do you hang most with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or your friends?: Friends. I don't have a boyfriend :O
What do you think when you see two gays or lesbians holding hands?: how cute X3
Where do you want to go most in the world?: no clue..umm..it's really nice right here..?
Tag, you're it!
nemutai_osaka_gaowarrioroflove :D