[01] BE AWESOME UNTO ONE ANOTHER. If you're a dick, people won't want to play with you. It's common sense.
[02] YOUR CHARACTER IS NOT YOU. Don't take In-Character drama and issues onto the Out-Of-Character plane, or vice-versa. See also Commandment #1.
[03] NO GODMODING. You can play your character as much as you like, but you don't get to play anybody else's. Confer with the other player before your character stabs a stapler into their character's hand to make sure they don't move away. Don't assume that the suprise tackleglomp is going to work - ask.
[04] DON'T BE GREEDY. As of opening there is a 3 character limit. While this may be lifted in the future, pestering the mods about it isn't going to get you anywhere. Which brings us to...
[05] NO MEANS NO & MODS HAVE LIVES TOO. If we've given you a verdict on a situation, please don't jump on us every other second trying to get us to change our minds. It will have the complete opposite effect. We accept that we're human and can make mistakes, so we're willing to listen if you have a concern or problem with a decision, but present in a clear, mature manner, and abide by our repeal decision. Also, just because we haven't replied to that app you sent in half an hour ago doesn't mean we don't love you any more. We're just busy.
[06] DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING, BRO. If you're going to be away for a considerable length of time (ie more than a week or something) then it pays to
post a hiatus so the mods don't get sad at you for not making activity requirements.
[07] I NEED AN ADULT! The nature of this game and setting mean that there will be some adult situations around (bawdy-houses, drug dens, orphans falling from the sky, violence etc etc) and you as a player need to be able to deal with that even if your character isn't.
[08] REGINALD'S QUIVERING MEMBER? We allow smutty and violent logs to be posted to the comm. HOWEVER: please ensure that these logs have some purpose other than gratuitous sexytimes or bashery, and make certain all such entries are f-locked. You're welcome to indulge in PWP, of course, just post it to your character's personal journal or whatever to avoid flooding the main communties. It's not that we don't enjoy such things, but it can get pretty distracting.
Posting Format
We have two communities for character interaction: the log community,
londonshadows, and the 'everything else' community,
thegeneralpost. The first comm is strictly for prose-based logs. London Shadows is a game the encourages focus on prose-based playing, and as such you are required to participate in at least one log on the prose community per month. However, since prose logs aren't going to capture every aspect of character interaction, the general post comm is there for everything from sending mail to posting notices to action-threading. You can be as creative as you like with these posts - think about the setting and era and technology level. Pigeon post! Newspapers! Wanted posters! The works. Just remember that things like telephones and computers are very, very, very rare - only the richest of the rich communicate with each other this way.
As for the prose comm, it would be super-handy if everyone adhered to the following format when posting:
Who: Easy. Who's involved. If it's an open thread, say that here,; similarly, if it's a closed thread, list who's welcome to come and play.
When: General timeframe is kinda nice. Specific days are even better! The game is set to the current month and day, just back in 1899.
What: A general idea.
Where: Because it helps.
Warnings/Notes: Is there gonna be makeouts?! Fighting? Someone's potty-mouth? Did you see a flying pink elephant? Let us know here.
(and then give us an lj-cut, if it's a log. Threads can be left uncut so we can get an idea of what's happening without having to be not-lazy and click stuff.)