Aug 15, 2010 08:49
Fill out the following forms and post them as comments to this entry REMEMBERING TO KEEP THE OOC COMMENT SEPARATE FROM THE IC SHTUFF. Comments will be screened until the mods reply, at which point they'll unscreen all IC comments which, apparently, will get messy but that's all right because if you're approved your app will be linked in its entirety from the Taken Characters page. The OOC comment with your contact info will remain screened.
Your Name:
Personal Journal:
AIM/Email/Other contacty things:
Anything you'd like to share with the class? Remember, only the mods will ever see this part, so you can tell us anything~
Character Name:
Physical Description: [FOR ORIGINAL CHARACTERS ONLY fandom characters you are safe.]
History: Remember that this is an AU game, so you're going to be rewriting your character's background as if they've lived in this setting their whole life. Because they have. Give us a bit of detail so we can see parallels to their canon. A wiki link to their canon background would also be pretty swell. Also, try not to cramp the style of future canonmates too much: I realise that in some cases it's nearly impossible to write one character's history without at least a mention of another, but do your best.
Personality: Paragraphs rather than sentences, but you don't have to write a whole essay.
Living Standards: Are they slum-dwelling poor bastards, or are they toffs? Or even super-toffs who live up on Himmelsport? This is mostly just because we're nosy.
Special Skills Etc: For example, if you're turning a certain baldie Airbender into a gyrocopter pilot, you can detail his expertise here.
Writing Sample: Third-Person, past tense. We're looking for around three good-sized paragraphs of your character being themselves; try to avoid involving other characters because we don't need to know about them.
OPTIONAL: If you feel that your character communicates best through a written format, feel free to whip us up a sample of a letter or community note from them. You're welcome to be as inventive with this as you like within the restrictions of technology etc etc.
Your Character's Deepest Darkest Secret: Because we're curious. Oh, so very very curious.