i havent had a cup of in tea over a week... DATS FUCKED UP.
i need some tea, a good hug, a looong walk, a new cd & some good luck.
IHAVENTGONETOSCHOOLIN3DAYS..(all three unexcused..)
i feel like shit because everyone is bending over backwards to help me get to school & im still unexplainably petrified of attending.. AND therefore NOT attending anyways.. i really am beging to comtimplate if i actually do suffer from "school phobia".. i have no reason to be teeerrriiiffiied of going.. i have a group of consistant friends, im not even close to failing, & im not in a fight with anyone..
ihatethisgrr. i want to take a semester of sooo badly but comeon theres only a month left. that is such a waste of a passing course.
horrorpops is on saturday.....AKA par-tay with spencer & emily before-hand, then i get to embarrass my dad at the show, then i THINK im having a slumber thingy at kt's (KT IS THIS STILL ON?), then in the morning i think im going to photoshoot with lauren and gesyk (same thing: IS THIS STILL ON?)..
SO at least the weekend seems to be unfolding quite well.