Only time can tell, if you can ever go back....

Aug 01, 2005 21:05

While talking to a friend today, I realized that in the game of love where there never is a winner, it seem so simple and easy to get it right, but ppl can't do it, why is this? I have seen love in all shades and it always hurts... but I got a gift in the most unlikely way the other day. I learned who I really loved, though it's only a small ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

strangefunk August 2 2005, 04:01:37 UTC
Only strangers love m, the closer they get the less they like

that happens to alot of people. A stranger is always more alluring, once you find out more and it doesn't fit the character you created in their image things kind of flop for a while, but that's life. It is, however, important to know who is real and who is a momentary flop.


porcelainskye55 August 2 2005, 04:09:49 UTC
but how'd to you ge past being a stranger when our a billboard whether you like it or not


strangefunk August 2 2005, 05:00:25 UTC
It's tough and there's no real solution.
Sometimes strangers turn into friends
and sometimes just aquaintances.
I mean didn't the peopl you regard as true friends now start out as strangers??


porcelainskye55 August 2 2005, 05:34:44 UTC
not always


i_love_nacho August 2 2005, 15:33:24 UTC
chynna my love i love u and i think that we have gotten close especially after saturday. i love and appreciate and admire the person that u are. and i feel honored the little bit that u tell me about ur true self. im always here for you. it does hurt but its not worth it to keep putting urself out there. let them come to u. and u have heard alot about me that isnt true yet u didnt believe it and u seeked the truth. thats wat a real good person does. i love you!!!!!!
kisses rose


porcelainskye55 August 3 2005, 05:17:00 UTC
I love you so much, and am so sry, I feel as though it all comes back to being my fault


i_love_nacho August 3 2005, 19:39:33 UTC
no no way is it ur fault


porcelainskye55 August 7 2005, 02:13:59 UTC
i love you


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