WTF I'll post it...

May 05, 2005 15:14

On a scale from 1-10, how "hot" am I? Be honest.
When you comment, not only will i tell you how hott YOU are, but ill say something i absolutley love about you.

After you're done. Post this on your journal.

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Comments 29

pinkxyzrevolver May 5 2005, 19:19:26 UTC
You're a good nine at least.


porcelainskye55 May 5 2005, 19:23:10 UTC
Why thank you... you are a 9.999999... at least , and I love you're eyes


pinkxyzrevolver May 5 2005, 19:25:12 UTC
let's hang out some weekend soon.
Fridays are usually non-boyfriend night.
Sooooo call me


porcelainskye55 May 5 2005, 19:27:19 UTC
Okie, my love, it's a date lol


i_love_nacho May 5 2005, 20:59:28 UTC
wow chyna u noe that i think that u r frickin gorgeous crazy beautiful goddess.! lol i really do so i duno how to scale u ... i dont want to seem like im lying so ill say a nine... but in my heart i noe that u r like a ten! lol i luvv uuu like a fat kid loves cake!.
kisses my love ,


porcelainskye55 May 6 2005, 01:30:01 UTC
Rosie you are at least an 8 in any book and a 200000000000000000000000 in mine, I love you and I love your smile...


heslikenirvana May 6 2005, 01:23:08 UTC
I can't use numbers, but I must say you are the "exotically beautiful" that I always wished I was. You have such striking features, it's pimp.


porcelainskye55 May 6 2005, 01:31:26 UTC
Lol thank you, that means a lot comming from someone whom I know I and many others find gorgeous... you are definately exotic and beautiful, and I love your hair...


weeb0s May 6 2005, 01:59:47 UTC
fucking 10, are you supid?


porcelainskye55 May 6 2005, 02:01:39 UTC
LOL i wuv u, you know you are a 10... so sexy, I love those gorgeous eyes...ah


(The comment has been removed)

porcelainskye55 May 6 2005, 02:08:33 UTC
lol, I have one word to describe you ... SEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXY


candymancandoit May 6 2005, 02:17:10 UTC
i'll give u a 9 on looks. damn you chynna why must you torment me.


porcelainskye55 May 6 2005, 02:19:00 UTC
hehe I dont torment you, I love you


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