So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause .....

May 23, 2005 22:16

"Chynna, just accept that you are broken a an old statue, beautiful ... possibly even more so with the cracks, but sad and incomplete ... too cold to let anything in" - James

Am I really broken?

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Comments 12

pinkxyzrevolver May 24 2005, 02:24:21 UTC
You might be
but things can be fixed


porcelainskye55 May 24 2005, 03:23:20 UTC
I wonder if I want to be fixed ....


azagtoth May 24 2005, 05:38:17 UTC
Good job on quoting the only decent line in that entire stinking pile of cow dung.


porcelainskye55 May 24 2005, 17:07:22 UTC
LMAO after seeing the movie 4 times I had to notice it ....


i_love_nacho May 24 2005, 20:26:14 UTC
chynna dear i dont think that u r broken. i really dont, i think that u mite feel broken and a lil used and old and forgotten, but u rnt and u just need someone to come along and brush off the dust and show u that u rnt and that u r good and u r awesome and all the things that ppl who love you (aka me!) see. (for me that person was david, but now i make him physically ill =( )
i luv u
kisses rose


porcelainskye55 May 25 2005, 00:07:13 UTC
I love you too, what are we doin fri.?


i_love_nacho May 25 2005, 21:01:11 UTC
i uno... there was this party (open house-- carter, kill jasper, etc.) but 2 assholes are going and i dont want kisses getting into a fite that nite.. but there is a columbus ghettie thing.. im not sure.. my bf mite post something soo here is his livejournal smurfies_law but that last entry is sad so sorry bout that


porcelainskye55 May 25 2005, 23:33:35 UTC
okie lol


oddflavoredloli May 25 2005, 02:24:55 UTC
i dont know u very well but i dont think ur broken :)

><333 chantal


porcelainskye55 May 25 2005, 03:28:33 UTC
Thanks, I think I'm only cracked lol...


heslikenirvana May 25 2005, 21:12:27 UTC
Broken + too cold to let anything in.

If you're broken, like, in half, then the barrier has also snapped. So TECHNICALLY, if you're broken, you let EVERYTHING in. It's like you've been breeched. I think you are broken when you go through an emotional... breakdown! :o) Not when you are still cold. You snap and change your ways completely, and then, being broken is a good thing.


porcelainskye55 May 25 2005, 23:33:16 UTC
So, It's a compliment?


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