If I kiss him... will he shut the fuck up?...

May 26, 2005 22:48

Today made me happy, in an odd way, I prob. failed 2 exams today... and lol I literately accidentally skipped 5th period<----what a dumbass, but the last day of mentoring made me oddly giddy?!?!?! I got my mentor such fu@ckin random shit... Example- XXXL pink undies, a toilet seat cover, a condom, and a piggy bank.... then, they did their goodbye's ( Read more... )

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Comments 31

weeb0s May 27 2005, 03:35:09 UTC
we need to doalot


porcelainskye55 May 27 2005, 20:39:40 UTC
So much so lil time...


azagtoth May 27 2005, 06:00:09 UTC
Why do I make you sad? Is it because I rock so damn hard? If that's the case, my awesomeness should make you happy. =D


-Comment no Jutsu- aziraphale60 May 27 2005, 06:55:30 UTC
Danny O, not you. She thinks YOU rock hardcore.


Re: -Comment no Jutsu- porcelainskye55 May 27 2005, 20:37:23 UTC
tis true tis true


porcelainskye55 May 27 2005, 20:37:04 UTC
No, Danny you make me happy!!!


i_love_nacho May 27 2005, 13:23:42 UTC
chynna my love imma miss u. im leaving tomorrow morning and im not sure wat we are doin today. im really confused about leaving and i think that u are one of the only ppl who would understand about it. umm give my condolensces to david since i make him sick.
i luvv u and imma miss u ... write to me and ill write bak
kisses rose
oo dads address
2637 N. Norton
TUscon, AZ


-Comment no Jutsu- aziraphale60 May 27 2005, 16:31:25 UTC
you know, i can read chynna's lj and her comments. you don't have to say that every single time you put a reference to me, you knwo how freaking pointless that is? wow. thanks for the condolences -smackhead-


Re: -Comment no Jutsu- i_love_nacho May 27 2005, 17:12:57 UTC
i figured that u just skipped anything that had anything to do wit me. sorry i didnt realize that. i really am sorry but i guess that since its coming from me it is meaningless to you. it hurt me but that doesnt matter, she is my friend too and if you dont care wat i say then ignore it.


Re: -Comment no Jutsu- porcelainskye55 May 27 2005, 20:39:16 UTC
Both of you stop attacking each other in my comments... I only accept peace...


et_cetera_ May 27 2005, 17:18:13 UTC
I love that showwwwwwwww.

I got Carrie.


porcelainskye55 May 27 2005, 20:35:37 UTC
I'm addicted to that show.... You can have Carrie as long as I'm Samantha...


heslikenirvana May 27 2005, 17:28:31 UTC
I love that showwwwwwwww.

I heart Carrie.


porcelainskye55 May 27 2005, 20:36:35 UTC
Lol there seems to be a Carrie fight arising... who care's I'm Samantha....


heslikenirvana May 27 2005, 21:58:51 UTC
Hehe. Miranda's okay, I guess. And people tell me that I'm exactly like Charlotte.

But I heart Carrie.


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