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Nov 17, 2010 08:52

I started my holiday movie festival last weekend. I like the holiday season. For the most part, I love the music and lights. I like finding the perfect gift for friends and family (though, this year I think it is going to be wistful thinking-- "broke" is a cute euphemism for my finances). It's also a wonderful time for me to remember all the wonderful people who have wandered through my life.

It's also a time for movies. I love movies. Makes sense, since I wanted to be in them. Being part of the sausage-making process didn't dull my enthusiasm for the silly things. Certain films really remind me of people I love, which is part of my holiday theme. Recently a friend sent my a quote from one of my favorites, and I was very touched by it. I try to just enjoy the holidays, and same goes for the movies I watch. I have been known to be a bit *cough* harsh and picky with regards to films. Right now is when I watch whatever I feel like and try not to think too much.

This years first pick was Tron! I had never seen all of it before. Oh, I know the plot, and I can even quote a bunch of it. But I had never seen the whole thing. It wasn't even one of the video games I was especially good at, I liked watching other people play it though (sometimes for hours). And I really like the sound track. The music is distinct. I'm a sucker for a good soundtrack. Most of my favorite movies tend to have great music.

Too much fun. It was charming to see Jeff Bridges pretending to be Harrison Ford, and I was very amused by the glasses they stuck on Bruce Boxleitner to play up his Robert Redford-esque looks. But the big surprise was Barnard Hughes! I love Barnard Hughes. I recognized his voice instantly. Then to see Peter Jurasik stroll through in a non-bit part (he said more than two words so he couldn't be a "bit"player) was most excellent (I felt like I should recognize the actor, but I had to consult the IMDB for him. I would have been grouchy if I hadn't recognized Barnard Hughes).

It's too bad it suffers from Star Trek 1 Syndrome: hey! let's really show off the Enterprise-- you want to see this side, and this side, and now underneath, and now from the front. The first Star Trek movie was just a shiny brochure for the ship. These days I could refer to it as "Lucas Syndrome" but the thought makes me wince. There were places the computer animation verged on art house music video (complete with its abilities to induce yawning). But I had popcorn, hot chocolate and eighties stuff to be amused be so I really didn't mind (the sequence in the arcade caused me a bit of sheepish, but pleasant, nostalgia).

It seems Cindy Morgan's character will not be in the new movie? That kind of sucks. She was a very interesting character. Dr. Bains seems brighter than both her male counterparts. Not sure she has the best taste in guys, but she is the one who seems to figure everything out, and she works with lasers; I like it! It also explain in a very geeky sort of way why a couple of the guys I've dated really seemed to like it when I wore jeans, a button down shirt, and tweed sports coat. Too amusing. It's also obvious that a lot of creative teams in television and film really were impressed by Tron. I'd place a great deal of money that the team on Star Trek the Next Generation drew inspiration from it, and I have a feeling Joss Whedon liked it as well. It also still has some of that left-over sixties spiritual, good vs. evil vibe that I like (Midi-chlorians!?! Bah! Humbug!)

A great start to my holiday movie watching!

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